Creating a New Intervention Model, January 2014 – June 2016
- Designed an unprecedented intervention model for children with ASD and their parents, which I named The Social Living Complex.
- Unlike existing social skills interventions, peer-mediated interventions in this complex are not limited to the school/experiment duration and setting.
- Whereas other supported living services house adults with ASD only, here children with ASD and their families live and interact with typically developing (TD) individuals.
- Another novelty is support groups for parents of children with ASD, who report feeling higher levels of stress than parents of TD children and children with other disabilities, feeling isolated, and not receiving social support.
- This intervention model is published in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, doi: 1007/s10803-016-2846-x.
Initiating iPad Education for Autism in Turkey, Sept 2012 – June 2013
- Brought the iPad education for autism to Turkey from the US to replace the previous paper-based methods.
- Used part of the ReachOut’56 fellowship to purchase and donate iPads to TOHUM School for Autism.
- Conducted and published the first research on the interaction of Turkish children with autism with iPads and their ability to learn a skill from a Turkish iPad application designed for them according to ABA principles.
- Wrote the first book that explains how to prepare activity schedules on iPads for children with autism and teach their independent use.
TOHUM, School for Children with Autism, Sept 2006 – June 2008
Translator & Teaching Assistant
- Translated special curriculum for the education of children with autism into Turkish to enable the inauguration of TOHUM, the only school for children with autism in Turkey, which was run by instructors who did not speak English.
- Assisted professional instructors of children with autism. After completing training and observing ongoing classes, actively participated in one-on-one teaching sessions personalized for each student.
Eden Institute for Children with Autism, Jan 2011 – May 2012
Volunteered to take children with autism on after school trips to bowling and Pump It Up.
Fashion Speaks for Autism Speaks, Spring 2009, 2010, 2012
Raised around $14,000 for Autism Speaks, the largest science and advocacy organization for autism in the United States, and increased awareness about autism spectrum disorders among Princeton students.