I study gravitational physics and astrophysics of compact objects using theoretical and computational methods. I moved to Koç University in June 2016. You can find my publications in my CV or at inspirehep.net.
Room: SCI 215
My research has recently (around 2023) focused on testing potential deviations from general relativity (GR). Modifications to GR that have a prominent signature for strongly gravitating systems such as spontaneous scalarization and its generalizations are particularly interesting. I have most recently obtained fundamental results in well-posedness of classical field theories. Namely, I showed with my group members that vector field theories that have generic self-interactions, that is any coupling beyond the simple Proca mass term, cannot indefinitely evolve in time. This is a serious problem for the validity of any theoretical idea that features such self-interacting fields, which are quite many in gravity and cosmology. My larger aim is generalizing this strategy to other classical field theories. Namely, I aim to use such problems as “theoretical tests” to constrain or rule out various alternative theories in gravitation, cosmology and beyond. See my publications for more details.
My other main interests in gravity are the superradiance phenomena around rotating black holes and their relation to astroparticle physics, and the information loss problem. I occasionally publish on foundations of quantum mechanics as well. I studied computational neuroscience in ancient history, a fascinating field, but I am not professionally active in this area anymore.
If you are interested in graduate study at Koç Physics, the online application system is at https://gsse.ku.edu.tr/en/.
I am teaching PHYS205:Physics III and PHYS414/514: Computational Physics in Fall 2023.