Instructor, Office and Office Hours:
Varga Kalantarov, Sci 162, Thursdays at 16:15 -17:15 or by appointment.
Teaching Assistants, Office and Office Hours:
Ahmet Nuri Cevik, by appointment.
Komal Khalid, Thursdays, 14:30 – 16: 40 , SCI 130
Onur Işık, Thursdays , 16:15 -17:25, SCI 129
Roohul Ahmed Khalid, Thursdays, 14:30 – 16: 40 , SCI 130
Textbook: R.A. Adams and C. Essex: Calculus ( a complete course), Pearson 10th edition (Requirred).
Topics to be covered: Vectors and vector-functions: limit, continuity, derivative and integral of a vector-function. Functions of several variables: limit, continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, directional derivative, extreme value problems, double and triple integrals, line integrals. Vector calculus: conservative vector fields, Green’s, Stoke’s and divergence theorems.
Homework: Suggested homework problems will be assigned regularly but not collected for grading. Students are required to solve these problems in order to gain a better understanding of the subject.
Evaluation method: Students progress will be evaluated according to their performance in, the midterm and final exams. There will be two midterm exams. The Midterm Exam 1 and 2 will be held during the weeks of November 13 and December 18, respectively. The midterm exams will cover the material not covered in the earlier exams. The final exam will be a more comprehensive exam covering all the
subjects of the course. The contribution of the midterm and final exams are as follows, midterm exams 30% each,final exam 40%.
Attendance: Students are advised to attend all the lectures and problem sessions.
Make-ups: If a student misses a midterm exam and has a valid excuse, his (her) grade in the final exam will be substituted for the grade in the missed exam.
If a student misses the final exam and has a documented valid excuse accepted by the deans office , (s)he will be given a make-up exam at noon on the the first day of the makeup period ( according to the academic calender)
Suggested method of study: Reading the lecture notes and the books is necessary for grasping the subject, but it is by no means sufficient.
Students must try to reproduce the definitions and proofs of the theorems, and apply the techniques to other problems.
Academic dishonesty: If a student is caught cheating in an exam, s/he will be punished according to the Y\”{O}K regulations.
These consist of one or two semesters of prohibition from attending the university.