Research Publications

37 · S. Küçükçifçi and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Orthogonal cycle systems with cycle length less than 10”, J. Combin. Des., Vol 32, Issue 1 (2023) 31-45.

36 · P. Bonacini, S. Küçükçifçi, S. Milici and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “On uniformly resolvable (C4, K1,3)-designs”, Contrib. Discrete Math., Vol 17 No 2 (2022) 1-22.

35 · O. Doğan, S. Küçükçifçi and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Q5 -factorization of λKn”, J. Combin. Des., Vol 28, Issue 5 (2020) 407-418.

34 · S. Küçükçifçi, “The full metamorphosis of l-fold K4-designs  into l-fold 3-star systems”, Util. Math., 110 (2019) 175-194.

33 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner, S. Özkan and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Maximum packing of inside perfect 8-cycle systems”, Australas. J. of Combin., Vol 75 (1) (2019) 146-157.

32 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Outside perfect 8-cycle systems”, Australas. J. of Combin., Vol 71 (3) (2018) 476-484.

31 · M. Gionfriddo, S. Küçükçifçi, S. Milici and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Uniformly resolvable (C4, K1,3 )-designs of index 2”, Contrib. Discrete Math., Vol 13, No 1 (2018) 23-34.

30 · S. Küçükçifçi and S. Milici, “Decomposition of lKv into kites and 4-cycles”, Ars Combin., 131 (2017) 299-319.

29 · F. Demirkale, D. Donovan, S. Küçükçifçi and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Orthogonal trades and the intersection problem for orthogonal arrays”, Graphs Combin., 32, No 3 (2016) 903-912.

28 ·  E. J. Billington, S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and M. Meszka, “Squashing minimum coverings of 6-cycles into minimum  coverings of triples”, Aequationes Math., 89, Issue 4 (2015) 1223-1239.

27 · S. Küçükçifçi, S. Milici and Zs. Tuza, “Maximum uniformly resolvable decompositions of Kv and Kv-I into 3-stars and 3-cycles”, Discrete Math., 338, Issue 10 (2015) 1667-1673.

26 · S. Küçükçifçi, G. Lo Faro, S. Milici and A. Tripodi, “Resolvable 3-star designs”, Discrete Math., 338 Issue 4 (2015) 608-614.

25 · S. Küçükçifçi, “Metamorphosis problems for graph designs”, Ars Combin., 113 (2014) 47-64.

24 · S. Küçükçifçi, G. Quattrocchi, B. R. Smith and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “On regular embedding of H-designs into G-designs”, Util. Math., 92 (2013) 97-127.

23 · S. Küçükçifçi, “Metamorphosis problems for block designs”, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math., 40 (2013) 199-204.

22 · M. Gionfriddo, S. Küçükçifçi and L.Milazzo, “Balanced and strongly balanced 4-kite designs”, Util. Math., 91 (2013) 121-129.

21 · S. Küçükçifçi, B. R. Smith and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “The full metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold kite systems”, Util. Math., 90 (2013) 33-60.
(Appendices of  “On regular embedding of H-designs into G-designs”)

20 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “The full metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold triple systems”, Ars Combin., 106 (2012) 337-351.

19 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “The full metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold 4-cycle systems”, Ars Combin., 104 (2012) 81-96.

18 ·  B. R. Smith, S. Küçükçifçi and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Decomposing complete multipartite graphs into closed trails of arbitrary even lengths”, J. Combin. Des., Vol 19, Issue 6 (2011) 455-462.

17 · M. Çağlar, Ö. Özkasap, E. Ş. Yazıcı and S. Küçükçifçi, “An analytical framework for self-organizing peer-to-peer anti-entropy algorithms”, Performance Evaluation, 67 (2010) 141-159.

16 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and G. Quattrocchi, “Embeddings of P3-designs into bowtie and almost bowtie systems”, Discrete Math., 309, Issue 18 (2009) 5675-5677.

15 · E. J. Billington, S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and E. Ş. Yazıcı, “Embedding 4-cycle systems into octagon triple systems”, Util. Math., 79 (2009) 99-106.

14 · S. Küçükçifçi and G. Yücetürk, “Maximum packing for perfect four-triple configurations”, Discrete Math., 308, Issues 5-6 (2008) 753-762.

13 · S. Küçükçifçi, “The intersection problem for PBD(5*,3)s”, Discrete Math., 308, Issues 2-3 (2008) 382-385.

12 · Ö. Özkasap, E. Ş. Yazıcı, S. Küçükçifçi and M. Çağlar, “Exact performance measures for peer-to-peer epidemic information diffusion”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 4263 (2006) 866-876.

11 · E. Ş. Yazıcı, S. Küçükçifçi, M. Çağlar and Ö. Özkasap, “Exact probability distributions for peer-to-peer epidemic information diffusion”, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol 34, Issue 3 (2006) 6-8.

10 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and C. A. Rodger,  “A partial kite system of order n can be embedded in a kite system of order at most 8n+9”, Ars Combin., 79 (2006) 257-268.

9 · S. Küçükçifçi, “The metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into a maximum packing of lKn with kites”, Util. Math., 68 (2005) 165-195.

8 · S. Küçükçifçi  and C. C. Lindner, “Minimum covering for hexagon triples”, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 32 (2004) 251-265.

7 · S. Küçükçifçi  and C. C. Lindner, “Perfect hexagon triple systems”,  Discrete Math., 279, Issues 1-3 (2004) 325-335.

6 · S. Küçükçifçi, C. C. Lindner and A. Rosa, “The metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into a maximum packing of lKn with 4-cycles”, Discrete Math., 278, Issues 1-3 (2004) 175-193.

5 · S. Küçükçifçi  and C. C. Lindner, “The metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold K4 \ e – systems, l ³ 2”, Util. Math., 63 (2003) 239-254.

4 · S. Küçükçifçi, “Cycles in 2-factorizations of Kn”, Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 3, Number 3 (2002) 413-419.

3 · S. Küçükçifçi, “The number of 8-cycles in 2-factorizations of Kn minus a 1-factor”, Util. Math., 61 (2002) 225-237.

2 · S. Küçükçifçi  and C.C. Lindner, “The metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold kite systems”, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 40 (2002) 241-252.

1 · S. Küçükçifçi, “The number of 8-cycles in 2-factorizations of Kn”, Australas. J. of Combin., Vol 22 (2000) 201-218.


Sponsored Research

  • TUBITAK-3001,In block designs metamorphosis, conditional designs and orthogonal latin trades, 2015 – 2017 (as a coordinator)
  • TUBITAK-1001, Some structure problems in graph designs, April 2011– April 2014 (as a researcher)
  • TUBITAK Career Projectof  E. Ş. Yazıcı, A secret sharing method: Defining sets in combinatorial designs, 2007 – 2010  (as a researcher)
  • TUBA-GEBİP, June 2006 – December 2009
  • Metamorphosis ofl-fold block designs INDAM-GNSAGA Project, Italy, September 2000 – December 2000  (as a researcher)


Conference or Convention Presentations

  • International Day of Mathematics, Women Mathematicians Conference, FMV Işık High Schools, March 2022.
    (Presentation: “Eğlenceli Kombinatorik Dünyası”)
  • Mathematics Week, Koç and Boğaziçi Universities Science Clubs, May 2021.
    (Presentation: “Combinatorial block designs, graph designs and resolvable graph designs”)
  •  4th Istanbul Design Theory Workshop, Koç University, Istanbul, September 2018.(Presentation: “Outside perfect 8-cycle systems”)
  • Combinatorics 2018, Arco, Italy, June 2018.
    (Presentation: “Outside perfect 8-cycle systems”)
  • HyGraDe2017, Sant’Alessio Siculo, Italy, June 2017.
    (Presentation: “Almost 2-perfect 8-cycle systems”)
  • Combinatorics 2016, Università della Basilicata, Maratea, Italy, May-June 2016.
    (Presentation: “Uniformly resolvable (C4 , K1,3)-designs”)
  • Auburn Conference on Designs, Graphs and Codes, Auburn University, Auburn, USA, January 2016.
    (Presentation: “Uniformly resolvable (C4 , K1,3)-designs of order v and index 2”)
  • 23rd Workshop“3in1”, Krakow, Poland, November 2014 (invited speaker).
    (Presentation: “Metamorphosis problems for graph designs”)
  • National Mathematics Symposium, Yeditepe University, İstanbul, Turkey, September2014  (invited speaker).
    (Presentation: “Çizge tasarımları ve çözünebilir tasarımlar”)
  • Combinatorics 2014, Universitàdi Napoli Federico II, Gaeta, Italy, June 2014.
    (Presentation: “Resolvable 3-star designs”)
  • Combinatorics 2012, Universitàdegli studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy, September 2012 (invited speaker).
    (Presentation: “Metamorphosis problems for graph designs”)
  • Çizge Kuramı ve Uygulamaları Çalıştayı II, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2011(invited speaker).
    (Presentation: “Çizge parçalanışları ve tasarımlar”
  • National Mathematics Symposium,Uludağ University, Bursa, Turkey, September 2011 (invited speaker).
    (Presentation: “Çizge parçalanmaları ve tasarımlar”)
  • Combinatorics Conference in Lisboa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2011.
    (Presentation: “More on regular embedding of H-designs into G-designs”)
  • Combinatorics 2010, Politecnico di Milano, Verbania, Italy, June-July 2010.
    (Presentation: “On regular embedding of H-designs into G-designs”)
  • Design Theory of Alex Rosa, Bratislava, Slovakia, July 2007.
    (Presentation: “Embedding 4-cycle systems into octagon triple systems”)
  • Combinatorics 2006, Universitàdi Napoli “Federico II”, Seconda Università di Napoli, Ischia, Italy, June-July 2006.
    (Presentation: “The full metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold triple systems”)
  • Workshop on Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Latin Trades, Prague, Czech Republic, February 2006.
    (Presentation:  “The intersection problem for PBD(5*,3)s”)
  • 20th British Combinatorial Conference, University of Durham, Durham, UK, July 2005.
    (Presentation: “Maximum packing for perfect four-triple configurations”)
  • Combinatorics 2004, Universitàdegli studi di Catania, Acireale, Italy, September 2004.
    (Presentation: “The intersection problem for PBD(5*,3)s”)
  • İstatistik Fizik Günleri, İTÜ, Istanbul, Turkey June2004.
    (Presentation: “Combinatorial design theory”)
  • International Symposium on Graphs, Designs, and Applications, Messina, Italy,September 2003.
    (Presentation: “Minimum covering for perfect hexagon triple systems”)
  • 3rd Pythagorean Conference, An Advanced Research Workshop in Geometry, Combinatorial Designs, and Cryptology, Faliraki, Rhodes, Greece, June 2003.
    (Presentation: “Minimum covering for perfect hexagon triple systems”)
  • Combinatorics 2002, Universitàdella Basilicata, Maratea, Italy, June 2002.
    (Presentation: “Perfect hexagon triple systems”)
  • Antalya Algebra Days, Antalya, May 2002.
    (Presentation: “The metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold kite systems”)
  • 33rd Southestern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, March 2002.
    (Presentation: “Perfect hexagon triple systems”)
  • National Mathematics Symposium, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, September2001  (invited speaker).
    (Presentation: “Tam grafların özel parçalanışlarındaki döngüler”)
  • 32nd Southestern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana,USA,  March 2001.
    (Presentation: “The metamorphosis of l-fold block designs with block size four into l-fold K4 \ e – systems, l ³ 2”)
  • 31stSouthestern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA,  March 2000.
    (Presentation: “The number of 8-cycles in 2-factorizations of  Kn”)


Conference Organizations


Mathematics articles in non-academic journals

  • S. Küçükçifçi, “Steiner üçlü sistemleri ve çizgeler” (Steiner triple systems and graphs), Matematik Dünyası, Vol.:13, Issue: 4 (2004) 22-27.
  • S. Küçükçifçi and Sibel Özkan, “Tasarımlar” (Designs), Matematik Dünyası, Vol.:13, Issue: 4 (2004) 28-34.
  • S. Küçükçifçi, “Afin ve izdüşümsel düzlemler” (Affine and projective planes), Matematik Dünyası, Vol.:13, Issue: 4 (2004) 42-46.·S. Küçükçifçi, “Hadamard matrisleri” (Hadamard matrices), Matematik Dünyası, Vol.:13, Issue: 4 (2004) 51-54.· S. Küçükçifçi, “Kapsayıcı ağaç sayısı” (The number of spanning trees), Matematik Dünyası, Vol.:14, Issue: 1 (2005) 46-49.
  • S. Küçükçifçi and E. Şule Yazıcı, “Tasarım kuramına Peter Keevash’ın damgası”, Matematik Dünyası, Vol: 108-109 (2021).


Thesis supervised

Ph.D. Thesis:

  • Oğuz Doğan, “Qn-factorizations of complete and complete multipartite graphs”, Koç University, 2019 (co-advisor: E. Ş. Yazıcı).

M.S. Thesis:

  • Güven Yücetürk,“Group divisible designs”, Koç University, 2006.
  • Çiçek Güven,“Coloring of Steiner triple systems”, Koç University, 2007.
  • Aras Erzurumluoğlu,“Intersection of Steiner triple systems”, Koç University, 2011.
  • Oğuz Doğan,“Resolvable cycle systems in complete graphs”, Koç University, 2015.