Here is the digital children’s storybook in which I explain the importance of science, technology, and global warming to our kids. Free to read and listen: link

A recent interview about our research on MOFs is here:

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Our research group received the 2022 Turkish Journalists’ Association (TGC) Sedat Simavi Commendation Award in the field of Science, which has been given since 1977 to encourage creative work in different fields.

I was very lucky to be supported by L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Turkey Young Women in Science Award in 2011 when I was setting up my research lab. While we celebrate the 20th year of the program this year, it was a great honor to be on the stage again.

Several national interviews for being selected as one of the “Outstanding Women in Chemical Engineering Across the Globe” can be found here: Gazete Duvar

I am very honored for being selected as one of the “Outstanding Women in Chemical Engineering Across the Globe” by Journal of Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD). Several news from the national press is here:

I am very honored to give the Keynote Lecture at MOF2022 Conference. My talk can be watched through this link.

Hilal received the third place award in EFSUN 2022 Best Paper Award with the publication titled Exploring the performance limits of MOF/polymer MMMs for O2/N2 separation using computational screening, which was published in Journal of Membrane Science (IF:10.53). Congras Hilal!

I am very happy to be selected for the reviewer spotlight of Chemical Science. Acting as a reviewer for scientific papers is great because it gives me the time to read new and novel works that I would not be able to find time to read otherwise.

I am very honored and humbled to receive the 2021 Science Award from METU Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar Foundation. I would like to thank the award committee, my stellar research team, Koç University, TÜBİTAK,  European Research Council, and several other institutions for supporting my research. I am indebted to my lovely family and my dear friends. I dedicate this award to everyone who has trusted in the light of science, which keeps setting hope for humanity in the difficult times of the pandemic.


We attended EuroMOF 2021 conference, a photo from live stream while I was chairing a session.

Dr. Çiğdem Altıntaş won the 2020 Most Successful PhD Dissertation Award Competition organized by the Çevre Vakfı with her thesis titled “Comprehensive Computational Screening of the Gas Separation Performance of Metal-Organic Porous Structures for Use in Methane and Ethane Purification Processes”. Congras to Çiğdem, June 2021.

I am happy to announce that the book that I co-authored “Motherhood in Science – How children change our academic careers”  is now available. link

It was my pleasure to deliver a speech at Arçelik “Sen Mühendissin: Bizimlesin” program/workshop on Feb. 2021. We need women in science, women in research and women in industry for a better future!


Zeeshan received the second place award in Efsun Best Paper Award Competition. Congras to Zeeshan for his hard work, Sep. 2020.

Dr. Altintas received the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Academic Excellence Award, 2020. She previously received the Outstanding Teaching Award. Congras to Çiğdem for her hard work, June 2020.

We were happy to host Prof. Eddaoudi for our Distinguished Seminar Series, Feb. 2020.

An interview with our research group on a recent Nature Energy publication is here, Jan. 2020.

A good moment from a PhD thesis defense at TU Delft with Prof. Thij Vlugt, Prof. Berend Smit, Prof. Sofia Calero and Prof. David Dubbeldam, Dec. 2019.

Prof. Keskin spent 10 years at Koç University, Dec. 2019.

Prof. Keskin gave a talk on computational screening of MOFs at EuroMOF conference, Oct. 2019.

Prof. Keskin was the plenary speaker of TR MOF2019 in Bartın, Turkey, Sep. 2019.

Prof. Keskin was the plenary speaker of International Zeolite Membrane Meeting, IZZM2019, in Lulea, Sweden, Jun. 2019.

A good moment from MOFSIM2019, Apr. 2019.

Some members of NEMO at MOFSIM2019 Conference Dinner, Apr. 2019.

Çiğdem Altıntaş from our group received the Graduate School of Science and Engineering 2018 Outstanding Teaching Award. Congras to Çiğdem for her hard work! Feb. 2019

Prof. Keskin was an invited speaker of “Future Rol Models of Woman Leaders Project”, Jan. 2019.

Women’s Day, 2018 message from Koc University Faculty Member in Engineering: “Science is an adventure because you walk through an unknown and difficult path with love and patience.”

Recent interview of Dr. Keskin is national press, HaberTürk: Click to read.

*Dr. Keskin’s interview is at national press, Hürriyet: Click here.

Dr. Keskin is elected as the first woman engineer representative of Turkey to the Global Young Academy. News from media: news1, news2, news3

Dr. Keskin is the first woman in Turkey who received the ERC grant in the field of engineering. This is also the first ERC Grant in the field of Chemical Engineering in Turkey!

Story of Dr. Keskin is at TUBITAK webpage:

Dr. Keskin was an invited speaker at Women in Science panel organised by the British Consulate-General Istanbul & British Council at the UK Technology Investment Conference. Great to discuss the challenges of women scientists with  British Consul-General Judith Slater and PM’s Trade Envoy to Turkey, Lord R. Janvrin.

*Our paper is selected as cover page for ChemSusChem journal. Click to read!

*Our paper is selected to Groundbreaking Research on MOFs, ACS Virtual Issue. Click to read!

*The first PhD student graduated from our group, Ilknur Erucar, is now an assistant professor. We are looking for more motivated PhD candidates, if interested in joining our group, please send an email to

*Dr. Keskin received FABED Eser Tümen Outstanding Achievement Award, 2016. Click here for details!

*Dr. Keskin received ODTÜ-Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation Research Encouragement Award, 2015. Click here for more details.

*Dr. Keskin received Scientist of The Year Award from Science Heroes Association, 2014. Click to watch the ceremony!

*Dr. Keskin received  The Science Academy Young Scientist Award (BAGEP), 2014. Click here for more details!

*Dr. Keskin received TUBITAK Young Investigator Incentive Award in Engineering from the President of Turkish Republic at Çankaya Presidential Palace, 2013. Click here for more details! Click to watch the ceremony!

*Dr. Keskin received Koç University Outstanding Faculty Award in Engineering, 2013. Click here for more details!

*Dr. Keskin received Turkish Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientist Award (TÜBA-GEBİP), 2012.Click here for more details!

*Dr. Keskin received L’Oreal Young Women in Science Award, 2011. Click to watch the video! 

*Dr. Keskin received TUBITAK Career Award, 2011.

*Our project on hydrogen-powered cars was on the news. Click here to read!

You can watch several videos by clicking the links:

*Dr. Keskin introduces our research on energy sustainability, click to watch.

*Dr. Keskin introduces Chemical and Biological Engineering graduate program, click to watch.

*Dr. Keskin introduces our research on hydrogen energy, click to watch.

Dr. Keskin was the first speaker at the seminer series of AIChE Student Chapter of Koc University.

Dr. Keskin received TÜBA GEBİP Award, click on the link to see the  pictures from the ceromony that held in TÜBİTAK, Ankara.

Dr. Keskin was at the photoshoot of L’Oreal for her project named ‘New generation hydrogen storage materials’.

Click on the link to watch L’oreal Young Women in Science video.

Dr. Keskin had an interview with Cosmopolitan.

Two of our papers on MOFs were listed as ‘the #1 most cited paper and #4 most cited paper of Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research Journal in the last three years’. More details on these papers is here.

Dr. Keskin received Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) Supported ‘Loreal Young Women in Science Award-2011’. More details about this award is here.

Our review paper on MOFs is listed as the ‘most cited paper of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Journal’. More details on this paper is here.

Congratulations to İlknur and Erhan!They published their first journal paper of bio-materials in a TUBITAK-A class journal.

Our research on MOF-based mixed matrix membranes will be supported by European Union Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant.

Here is a more detailed interview:seda keskin two significant achievements.pdf

Seda Keskin’in iki önemli başarısı.pdf

A paper that I published with my PhD advisor, Prof. David S. Sholl, in 2009 has been chosen as a ‘Fast Breaking Paper in Engineering‘ by Thomson Reuters.

You can read a brief interview about the paper here:

Another interview at Georgia Tech Research News:

Koç University, Chemical and Biological Engineering