Koç University
Department of International Relations
Rumelifeneri Yolu, Sarıyer
Istanbul 34450 TURKEY
Tel: 90 212 338 1617
Fax: 90 212 338 1642
e-mail: ozaltan@ku.edu.tr
New York University, NY, USA
2001-2006 |
New York University, NY, USA
1999-2001 |
Boğazİçİ University, Istanbul, Turkey
1992-1996 |
6/2023 |
Associate ProfessorDepartment of International Relations, Koç University |
7/2016-6/2023 |
Visiting ProfessorThe Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland |
7/2017-9/2018 |
Assistant Professor
9/2007- |
9/2006-6/2007 |
2/2007-6/2007 |
Citizenship Studies, Gender and Citizenship, Gender and Development, Elite Networks in the Middle East, Transnational Class Formations, Micropolitics of Inequality. |
Comparative Politics, Middle East Politics and Society, Political Economy, Gender and Politics, Globalization, Political Sociology. |
Book Manuscript
2020. The American Passport in Turkey: National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism (with E. Balta)
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Forthcoming. Gender Expertise in International Organizations. Oxford Research Encyclopedia.
2023-early view. Collective Discussion: Movement and Carceral Spatiality in the Pandemic (with R. Shindo, E. Balta, H. von Houtum, A. van Uden, P.K. Rajaram, M. Coward, S. Pellander, J. Huysmans). International Political Sociology.
2023-early view. Care in Times of Pandemic: Rethinking Meanings of Work in the University (with S. Bergeron). Gender, Work & Organization.
2023. The Long Run and The Short Run: Temporalities of Development. Globalizations. 20(3): 384-399Expertise at the Intersection of Technicality and Ambiguity: International Governance of Gender and Development. Third World Quarterly. 43(1): 206-224.
2022. Making and Unmaking Culture: Gender Experts, Faith and the International Governance of Gender. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 24(2): 286-309.
2020. Politics of Engagement: Gender Expertise and International Governance. Development and Change. 51(5): 1271-1295.
2019. We are Family: Women’s Labor and Gender Norms in Turkey (with P. Kılınçarslan). Women’s Studies International Forum. 72: 9-16.
2017. Born in the USA: Citizenship Acquisition and Transnational Mothering in Turkey. Gender, Place & Culture. (with E. Balta) 24(8): 1204-1223.
2017. The Making of the Gender Policy Architecture in Turkey: Global Encounters, Local Contestations (with A. Alnıaçık, C. Deniz, F. Gökşen). Social Politics. 24(3): 298-323.
2016. Class and Passports: Transnational Strategies of Distinction in Turkey (with E. Balta). Sociology. 50(6): 1106-1122.
2016. The Entrepreneurial Woman in Development Programs: Thinking through Class Differences. Social Politics. 23(3): 389-414.
2016. Strategic Citizens of America: Transnational Inequalities and Transformation of Citizenship (with E. Balta) Ethnic and Racial Studies. 39(6): 939-957.
2015. Politics of Critique: Understanding Gender in Contemporary Middle East. Geoforum. 63(3): 9-13.
2014. Entrepreneurial Subjectivities and Gendered Complexities: Neo-Liberal Citizenship in Turkey. Feminist Economics. 20(4): 235-259.
2013. Yerel Ayrıcalık İddiaları: Ortadoğu’da Kalkınma Söylemleri ve Failleri. Toplum ve Bilim. 128: 262-288.
2012. Mapping Civil Society in the Middle East: the Cases of Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey (with A. Içduygu). British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. 39(2): 157-179.
2012. Protest, Memory, and the Production of ‘Civilized’ Citizens: Two Cases from Turkey and Lebanon. Citizenship Studies. 16(2): 135-151.
2011. Reframing the Ideal Citizen in Turkey: National Belonging and Economic Success in the Era of Neo-Liberalism. New Perspectives on Turkey. 44 (Spring): 41-72.
2009. Gendered Projects of National Identity Formation: The Case of Turkey. National Identities. 11(2): 165-186.
2008. Defining ‘America’ from a Distance: Local Strategies of the Global in the Middle East. Middle Eastern Studies. 44(1): 29-52.
Book Chapters
2022. Feminist IPE in Europe. In Feminist IR in Europe: Knowledge Production in Academic Institutions. Edited by Ann Towns and Maria Stern. Routledge.
2019. Repenser la critique de l’orientalisme : production des savoirs et perspectives féministes progressistes. In Cahiers genre et développement, n°11. Edited by Christine Verschuur. Paris : L’Harmattan.
2018. Eleştiri Siyaseti: Çok Kültürlülük, Post Sömürgecilik, Demokrasi Teşviki Yazınları Ekseninde Ortadoğu’da Kadın Hakları. InTürkiye’nin Büyük Dönüşümü: Ayşe Buğra’ya Armağan. Edited by Osman Savaşkan ve Mehmet Ertan. Istanbuk: İletişim Yayınları (pp. 241-260).
2017. Entrepreneurial Subjectivities and Gendered Complexities: Neo-Liberal Citizenship in Turkey. In Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities. Edited by Ebru Kongar, Jennifer Olmsted, and Elora Shehabuddin. New York: Routledge (pp. 235-258).
2016. Women’s Labor Force Participation and Entrepreneurship: The Case of Turkey. In Political and Socio-Economic Change in the Middle East and North Africa: Gender Perspectives and Survival Strategies Edited by Roksana Bahramitash and Hadi Esfahani. Palgrave Macmillan (pp.127-154).
2014. Market Embedded Transnationalism (with E. Balta). In Contemporary Turkey at a Glance. Edited by Kristina Kamp, Ayhan Kaya, Fuat Keyman, Özge Onursal. Springer (pp. 139-155).
2009. Meanings of American Education in Beirut and Cairo. Liberty and Justice: America and the Middle East Edited by Patrick McGreevy and Nancy Batakji (proceedings of the Second International Conference sponsored by the Center for American Studies and Research at AUB) Beirut: The American University of Beirut (pp. 273-285).
2006. Turkey: Sanctifying a Secular State. In Teaching Islam: Textbooks and Religion in the Middle East. Edited by Eleanor Abdella Doumato and Gregory Starrett. Boulder, Colorado: Lynn Rienner (pp. 197-214).
2005. Women, Gender and Memory in Turkey. Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Vol 2, Edited by Suad Joseph. Leiden: Brill (pp. 481-483).
2021. Why Turkey’s Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention is a Global Problem. OpenDemocracy. (with B.E. Oder)
2017. Satılık Pasaportlar: Neoliberal Çagda Vatandaslık Pratikleri. Birikim. June (with E. Balta)
2016. Citizenship and Diverse Meanings of Belonging (Making Citizens: Public rituals and Personal Journeys to Citizenship)(review article). Ethnic and Racial Studies. 39(13)
2015. An Analysis of Public Programs Related to Women’s Entrepreneurship and Access to Labor Markets. (with F. Göksen, A. Alniacik, and C. Deniz). The World Bank.
2006. Temmuz Sonrası Ortadoğu’da Lübnan ve Barış. Birikim. September: 16-23.
2006. Turkish Quandary. Al-Ahram Weekly Online. September 7-13: No: 811.
2006. Makan: The Right to the City and New Ways of Understanding Space (review article). Arab Studies Journal. Fall: 149-154.
2003. Sanctifying the Nation: Religious Education in Turkey. The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World Newsletter.June: 52-53.
2003. Ruanda ve Bumerang Öyküler: Bir Daha Asla? Birikim. November: 105-112.
2002. Citizenship, Gender, and the State (review article). Arab Studies Journal. Spring: 165-171.
The American Passport: Citizenship and Belonging in the Age of Transnationalism
Book Panel, (w. E. Balta)
Association for the Study of Nationalities Annual Conference May 2021
Feminist International Political Economy in Europe
Feminist International Relations Workshop, Göthenburg University Feb 2021
Intimacies of Citizenship and Nationality
Connections for New Imaginaries of Global-Local Intimacies and Solidarities in Global Politics
International Feminist Journal of Politics Annual Conference Feb 2021
The American Passport in Turkey: National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism
(w. E. Balta)
Kadir Has University School of Communications, Brown Bag Seminars Jan 2021
Ulusötesi Vatandaşlığı ABD Pasaportu Üzerinden Anlamak June 2020
(w. E. Balta)
BAGEP (Science Academy) Summer School
The American Passport: Citizenship and Belonging in the Age of Transnationalism (w. E. Balta)
Nationalités multiples, appartenances plurielles? University of Nantes Sept 2019
Values & Meanings of Citizenship in a World of Mobility
Koç University Migration Research Center (MiReKoç) Summer School Jul 2019
Framing Gender: Technologies of Expertise and Politics of Ambiguity
European Conference of Politics and Gender, Amsterdam Jul 2019
Feminist politics of engagement with others: Moving beyond binaries
International Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto Mar 2019
Academic Freedom, Knowledge Production and the Question of Inequality
Workshop: Academic freedom, IR knowledge and policy advice in the ‘post-truth’ era
International Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto Mar 2019
Eleştiri Siyaseti, Çok Kültürlülük, Post Sömürgecilik
Türkiye’nin Büyük Dönüşümü: Ayşe Buğra’ya Armağan
Boğaziçi University Social Policy Center Conference Feb 2019
Making and Unmaking Culture: Gender Experts, Faith and International Governance of Gender
European International Studies Association Annual Conference, Prague Sept 2018
Politics of Gender Expertise: Debating Women’s Rights and Cultural Norms
The Gender Centre, the Graduate Institute, Geneva May 2018
Framing Gender: Technologies of Expertise and Questions of Equality
Technologies of Expertise as Technologies of Authorization
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Workshop Geneva May 2018
Political Economy of Culture: Markets, Norms and Gender Equality
Guest Lecture, the Graduate Institute, Geneva Apr 2018
Markets, Women’s Rights and Questions of Culture
Guest Lecture, the Graduate Institute , Geneva Dec 2017
Women’s Agencies in Development: Between “the Exotic” and “the Familiar”
International Studies Association Annual Conference, Baltimore Feb 2017
Citizenship between the Local and the Global
Sabancı University, Istanbul May 2016
Provincializing the Business Case: Contradictions from the Field
Does Equality Mean Business? Gender Equity at the Crossroads of Finance and Feminism
Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Mar 2016
Stories of Empowerment: Between “the Universal” and “the Local”
International Studies Association Annual Conference, Atlanta Mar 2016
Development, Social Policy and Questions of Women’s Labor Force Participation (w. A. Alnıaçık, C. Deniz, F. Gökşen)
Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Denver Nov 2015
Anxious Parents: Intensive Mothering and Citizenship Acquisition (w. E. Balta)
American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Denver Nov 2015
Transnational Values of Citizenship: The Case of the American Passport (w. E. Balta)
Citizenship in Motion: Responses to Increasing Transnationality
INTEGRIM Third Annual Conference, MiReKoç, Istanbul Nov 2015
“Integrating Women into the Economy:” What’s in a Question?
C20 Summit, 2015. Bogazici University, Istanbul Sept 2015
Citizenship and Class: The Value of the American Passport (with E. Balta)
European Consortium for Political Research Annual Conference, Montreal Aug 2015
Limits of Neoliberal Feminism
International Studies Association Annual Conference, New Orleans Feb 2015
Class Based Tensions of Neoliberal Feminism
Gender Inc. Workshop, Roskilde University, Roskilde Dec 2014
In the Market For US Citizenship: Class Distinctions and Insecurity in Turkey (w. E. Balta)
Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C. Nov 2014
The Market for Citizenship: Political Implications of Investment Citizenship (with E. Balta)
Koç University Migration Research Center 10th Anniversary Conference Nov 2014
Democracy Promotion in the Middle East and Gender Equality
ACUNS (Academic Council on the United Nations) Annual Conference
Kadir Has University, Istanbul Jun 2014
Sınıfsal Ayrışma ve Ulusötesi Eşitsizlikler (with E. Balta)
Aşağısı ve Yukarısı arasında Orta Sınıflar
Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes, Istanbul May 2014
Democracies of Exceptions
Stanford University Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law Conference
(with Koç University Center for Research on Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance)
Koç University, Istanbul Mar 2014
EU HORIZON AG-Grant 2022-2024
Project Title: Feminist Movements Revitalizing Democracy in Europe
(co-principal investigator, Turkey team)
EU Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship 2017-2018
Project Title: Women’s Economic Rights and Cultural Difference
TÜBITAK -The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey 2014-2015
Project Title: Global Inequalities and Citizenship
1001 Grant (principal investigator)
TÜBITAK-The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey 2012-2013
Project Title: Citizenship Tourism
1002 Grant (researcher)
Middle East Research Competition Research Grant, Ford Foundation 2011-2012
Project Title: Working Gendered Citizenships in Turkey
United Nations Population Council MEAward 2003-2004
Dissertation Title: The American Third World
Bayly Winder Pre-Dissertation Research Grant, New York University 2003
Dissertation Title: The American Third World
Department of Politics, Pre-Dissertation Research Grant, New York University 2002
Dissertation Title: The American Third World
Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Koç University 2022
The American Sociological Association, GATS, Best Book by an International Scholar Award 2021
Science Academy Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) 2014-2016
Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, New York University 2005-2006
International Center for Advanced Studies Dissertation Fellowship 2004-2005
MacCracken Fellowship, New York University 1999-2006
Honors List, Boğaziçi University 1996
Primary Advisor
Ongoing. Cangönül, Mert. “European Border Surveillance through Schengen Visa: Multiple Rationalities, Changing Borderscapes and Self-Surveillance Practices” (PhD in Political Science, tentative title)
Ongoing. Yüksekkaya, Özge. “Organization, Regulation, Governance of Land and State Power: Cases of Mexico and Turkey” (PhD in Political Science, tentative title).
Ongoing. Uslu, Selçuk Selman. “CSO-Donor Relations and Democratic Implications” (MA in International Relations, tentative title).
2020. Kılınçarslan, Pelin. “Household Indebtedness and Women: A Comparative Analysis of Greece and Turkey” (tentative title; Ph.D. in Political Science).
2019. Türkarslan, Gizem. “Engendering Citizenship: Women’s Movements in Tunisia and Turkey” (Ph.D. in Political Science).
2017. Ünlüönen, Emine Büşra. “I am not a Refugee:” Syrian Professionals in Istanbul (MA in International Relations).
2017. Köksal, Orhun Aras. Social Structural Position and Vocabularies of Mobilization: Framing Urban Activism in Istanbul (MA in International Relations).
2014. Seyis, Didem. Ideal Citizenship Depictions in Turkish Primary School Textbooks (MA in International Relations).
2013. Cansoy, Mehmet. Social Citizenship Regimes in Turkey (MA in International Relations).
2013. Kılınçarslan, Pelin. Worker Resistance and Mobilization: A Comparative Analysis of Two-Female Dominated Textile Factories (MA in International Relations).
2012. Kenis, Sebnem. Islam and Homosexuality Debates in Turkey: Discursive Contestation among Muslims over LGBTQ Rights (MA in International Relations).
2010. Daser, Deniz Dalyan. Leftist Diasporic Identity: The Experience of Turkish and Kurdish Refugees in Switzerland (MA in International Relations).
2009. Çarkman, Aysegül Emine. Examining the Underlying Reasons Behind Outward Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Arçelik (MA in International Relations).
Committee Member
2021. Birce Altıok. Refugee Activism and State Policies in Comparative Perspective: Contentious Voices from Greece and Turkey (tentative title; Ph.D. in Political Science).
2020. Bal Damla Polat. NGO Workers and Precarious Labor (tentative title; MA in International Relations).
2020. Begüm Gürcüoğlı. Journalism at Risk: To What Extent Are the Domestic and International Norms Capable of Protecting Freedom of Press in Turkey (LLM).
2017. Deniz Karcı Korfalı. Duality in Context: Perspectives Toward Citizenship and Migration in Turkey (Ph.D. in Political Science).
2016. Damla Bayraktar. Home States and Homeland Politics: Interactions between the Turkish State and its Emigrants in France and the United States(Ph.D. in Political Science).
2016. Kerem Yıldırım. Continuous Clientelism, Persuasion and Preference Change in Turkey (Ph.D. in Political Science).
2016. Didem Çakmaklı. Transforming Citizenship in Turkey: Learning Active Citizenship in the CSO (Ph.D. in Political Science).
2015. Aysen Üstübici. The Governance of International Migration in Turkey and Morocco: Irregular Migrants’ Access to Right to Stay (Ph.D. in Political Science).
2015. Yasar Sasıoglu. The Anatomy of the Arab Uprisings (MA Thesis, International Relations).
2014. Cansu Öktem. The Relationship between Social Position and Cultural Engagement Patterns in Turkey and Cultural Omnivorousness (MA in Comparative Studies in History and Society).
2012. Nursen Aksay. Moral Guardianism at the Intersection of the Household and the Workplace: Women Factory Workers in Denizli (MA in Comparative Studies in History and Sociology).
2012. Ugur Yıldız. Privatized Lives, Autonomous Imaginations: the Lives of Asylum-Seekers under the Regulation of Satellite City in Turkey (MA in International Relations).
2012. Ingrid Anderson. The Legitimacy of Global Governance: A Holistic and Multi-Level Analysis of Millennium Development Goals (MA in International Relations).
2012. Onur Calap. Transgender Subjectivity: Narratives of the Self, the Other, and the Nation (MA Thesis, Comparative Studies in History and Sociology).
2011. Anlam Filiz. Producing Gender Talk in Relation to Class and Ethnicity: Conceptualizations of Gender Equality, Gender Roles and Womanhood by White Collar Women in Istanbul (MA in Comparative Studies in History and Sociology).
2010. Aysegül Kayagil. The Construction of Cultural, Socio-Economic Boundaries in Turkey (MA in Comparative Studies in History and Sociology)
2010. Senay Yegin. The Impact of Citizenship Benefits on the National Identity Perception of Displaced Communities (MA in International Relations).
2009. Ismail Emre Bayram. Democratic Origins of 2007-2009 Financial Crisis in the US: An Institutionalist Analysis (MA in International Relations).
2009. Can Dalyan. Occidentalism and the Politics of Development in Turkey: A Case Study of the Democratic Party Era (MA in Comparative Studies in History and Sociology).
2008. Pelin Azer Binnet. Good Mothers and Wise Politicians? National Formal Political Participation among Women in Turkey and Japan (MA in International Relations)
Undergraduate Level
INT 101 Introduction to Political Science
INT 313 Global Political Economy
INT 325 Gender and Politics
INT 448 The Middle East in a Globalized World
Graduate Level
INT 503 Globalization and IR Theory
INT 508 Transnational Actors and Politics of the Global
INT 604 Qualitative Research Methods
Associate Director, Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Koç University 2018-2022
Koç University, Faculty Council Member, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics 2016- 2017
Exchange Student Coordinator, International Relations Department, Koç University 2016- 2017
Koç University Social Policy Center, Executive Board 2012-2017
Koç University Migration Research Center, Executive Board 2010-2016
Koç University International Relations Seminar Series Coordinator 2013-2015
Koç University Center for Gender Studies, Executive Board 2010- 2014
Koç University International Relations, MA Coordinator 2008- 2011
Koç University Publications, Editorial Board 2010-January 2011
International Studies Association, Middle Eastern Studies Association, European International Studies Association
Assistant editor of the journal Citizenship Studies June 2020-present
Co-editor of the journal Gender, Place and Culture Oct 2018- Dec 2023
Referee work for Ashgate Publications; British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies; Citizenship Studies; Development and Change; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Ethnic and Migration Studies; Feminist Economics; Gender, Place and Culture; International Feminist Journal of Politics; International Political Sociology; Middle East Journal; Journal of Migration Studies; New Perspectives on Turkey; New Political Economy; Politics and Gender; South European Society and Politics; Palgrave Macmillan Publications; Perspektif; Third World Quarterly.