INDR 502 Logistics and Supply Chain Systems

 > INDR 502 Logistics and Supply Chain Systems

                  Instructor:           Metin Türkay

                  Office:                 ENG-205 

                  Phone:                1586


                  Classes:              Mo, We:  11:00-12:15, ENG-B15

Brief Description

This course is designed to expose students to the concepts of supply chain management and logistics systems.  The course emphasizes the use of mathematical models and quantitative techniques in analyzing these systems.  The main drivers and components of supply chain management and logistics systems, such as purchasing, inventory, production, and transportation, are examined in detail.  Interactions and trade-offs among these components using mathematical models and quantitative techniques are also covered.


Main Textbook

Chopra, S., and P. Meindl, “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2007, New Jersey.


Supplementary Textbooks

Simchi-Levi, D., P. Kaminsky, and E. Simchi-Levi, “Designing and Managing the Supply Chain”, 2nd ed.,McGraw-Hill, 2003, New York.

Bramel, J. and D. Simchi-Levi, “The Logic of Logistics”, Springer, 1997, New York.



Homework is assigned to expose students to more complex problems and understanding of the theory, and to evaluate their abilities and knowledge. Students should be prepared to spend considerable time for preparing homework. Students are expected to submit their homework before the due date and time. Failing to do so will result in 25% grade reduction for each late day.


Research Report and Presentation

Research topics that highlight the current problems in Supply Chain Management and Logistics will be announced in the beginning of the semester. The students are asked to make groups of two and choose one of the research topics announced and put together a model for the solution of the problem and prepare a report of not more than 10 typed double-spaced pages (plus exhibits) that summarizes their project.  Students will also make a 15-minute presentation of their projects in class.



Exams for this course are similar to any other: They are entirely targeted at evaluating the performance of students.  So no form of information exchange will be permitted.  There will always be a reasonable time limit at the exams.  There is a Midterm exam in the middle of the semester and a Final exam at the end of the semester.


Final grades will be determined as follows:

Midterm (Sample Exam)30%
Final (Sample Exam)30%
Homework Assignments15%
Research Report and Presentation25%

Course Outline

Feb. 5,7

Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Definition of Logistics and Supply Chain

Examples of Logistics and Supply Chain

Chapters 1, 2


Feb. 12, 14

Supply Chain Drivers





Chapter 3


Feb. 19-28

Strategic Level Decisions in Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Network Design

Product Life Cycle and Product Design

Process Life Cycle and Process Design

Supply Chain Integration

Chapter 4,5,6



Read the Product Positioning Paper

Mar. 5-14

Planning Demand and Supply

The Role of Forecasting

Characteristics of Forecasts

Basic Approach to Demand Forecasting

Time Series Forecasting Methods

Chapter 7


March 19-21

Aggregate Planning

Aggregate Planning Problem

Aggregate Planning Strategies

Aggregate Planning Using LP

Chapter 8


Apr. 9Mid-TermSample Exam
Mar. 28-Apr.11

Managing Predictable Variability in Supply and Demand

Responding to Predictable Variability

Managing Supply and Demand

Chapter 9


Apr. 16-25

Inventory Management

The Role of Cycle Inventory

Economics of Scale: Fixed Costs and Quantity Discounts

Safety Stock

Chapter 10, 11, 12

Notes 1

Notes 2

Apr. 30- May 9

Production Planning and Scheduling

Production Planning Models

Lot-Sizing Models

Scheduling Models

May 14-16


Factors Affecting Transportation Decisions

Modes of Transportation

Routing and Scheduling in Transportation

Chapter 13, 14


Note: Topics to be covered and grade percentages may be modified by the course instructor.

PDF copy of the Syllabus

Date Date Due Assignment
Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Dell InterviewQuestions
Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Ford Case StudyQuestions
Mar7 Mar14 Product Positioning
Mar. 19 Mar. 30 Chapter 7, Exercises 1 & 4 (pp.214-215)