INDR 501 Optimization Models and Algorithms

 > INDR 501 Optimization Models and Algorithms

Instructor:          Metin Türkay

Office:                 ENG-205

Phone:                1586


Classes:             TU&Th 10:00-11:15 SCI-Z07

Office Hours:      Mo&We 10:00-11:30; Tu&Th 13:00-14:30

Brief Description

This course covers the models and algorithms for optimization problems.  The theory and properties of solution methods for linear programming problems will be covered.



Bazaraa, M.S., J.J. Jarvis and H.D. Sherali, “Linear Programming and Network Flows”, 4th edition, Wiley, 2009, New Jersey.


Supplementary Text

Lecture Notes


Course Objectives

This course is designed to expose students to the fundamental concepts of modeling and algorithms for optimization problems. The course emphasizes setting up optimization models from problem description and solving linear programming problems using the simplex method and its advanced implementations. The students will be exposed to the theoretical foundations of linear programming problems. The role of duality and sensitivity analysis for linear programming problems are examined.  The range of problems that can be modeled and solved as linear programming problems are illustrated in engineering and management with computer implementations.


Learning Outcomes

The students are expected to acquire the following skills in this course:

– Develop a fundamental understanding of linear programming models,

– Able to develop a linear programming model from problem description,

– Apply the simplex method for solving linear programming problems,

– Apply the revised simplex method to solve linear programming problems,

– Express the dual of a linear programming problem and solve the resulting dual problem using the dual simplex method, interpret the results and obtain solution to the primal problem from the solution of the dual problem,

– Conduct sensitivity analysis for linear programming problems and interpret the results,

– Apply the Hungarian method for solving assignment problems,

– Apply the transportation simplex method to solve transportation problems,

– Demonstrate hands-on problem solving skills for linear programming problems using GAMS Modeling Environment and a variety of solvers.


Workload Breakdown

The students are expected to spend the following number of hours in this course:

TypeDescription# Hrs/Semester
TutorialProblem Sessions35
AssignmentHomework Assignments35
Independent StudyProjects12
StudioGAMS Sessions10
Total 127



Homework is given to expose students to more complex problems and understanding of the theory, and to evaluate their abilities and knowledge. Students should be prepared to spend considerable time for preparing these homework.

Homework/project submission

Students are expected to submit their homework before the due date and time. Failing to do so will result in 25% grade reduction for each late day.


Exams for this course are similar to any other: They are entirely targeted at evaluating the performance of students.  So no form of information exchange will be permitted.  There will always be a reasonable time limit at the exams.  There are two Midterm exams and a Final exam at the end of the semester.


Final grades will be determined as follows:

TypeDescriptionFinal Grade %
Midterm IMidterm I (Date: TBA)30
Midterm IIMidterm II (Date: TBA)30
FinalFinal Exam (TBA)30
HomeworkHomework Assignments & Projects10
Total 100

Course Outline

Review of Linear AlgebraNotes

Modeling Linear Programming Problems

Nature of Linear Programs

Formulation of LP Model Types

Chapter 1


Convex Analysis and Polyhedral Sets

Convex Sets and Convex Functions

Polyhedral Sets and Polyhedral Cones

Extreme Points, Faces and Directions

Chapter 2


The Simplex Method

Extreme Points and Optimality

Basic Feasible Solutions

Algebra of the Simplex Method

Simplex Method

Simplex Tableau

Chapter 3



Starting Solution and Convergence

The Two-Phase Method

The Big-M Method

Degeneracy, Cycling, and Stalling

Chapter 4


Mid Term I (Date: TBA)Sample

The Revised Simplex Method

Revised Simplex Method

Farkas’ Lemma

The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Optimality Conditions

Chapter 5


Duality and Sensitivity Analysis

Formulation of the Dual Problem

Primal-Dual Relationships

The Dual Simplex Method

The Primal-Dual Method

Sensitivity Analysis

Parametric Analysis

Chapter 6


Mid Term II (Date: TBA)Sample

Polynomial Algorithms

Computational Complexity of the Simplex Method

Ellipsoid Algorithm

Karmarkar’s Projection Algorithm

Chapter 8


LP into Karmarkar

Reading 1

Reading 2

Special Cases of Optimization Problems

Assignment Problems

Transportation Problem

Chapter 10


Introduction to Mixed-Integer Linear ProgrammingNotes
Introduction to Nonlinear ProgrammingNotes
Final Exam (Date: TBA)Sample

Note: Topics to be covered and grade percentages may be modified by the course instructor.

Koç University Official Statement on Academic Honesty



Attendance Policy

All students are required to attend classes and discussion sessions such as tutorials, labs and problem sessions.  The course instructor will take attendance.

The students who fail to attend 1/3 of classes and discussion sessions may get an automatic F.

Exercises from 3rd Edition: Ch2Ch3Ch4Ch5Ch6

Exercises from 4th Edition: Ch1Ch2Ch3Ch4Ch5Ch6

All exercises listed below are from the 4th edition:

Date DueAssignmentSolutions
Sept 26, 2019

Ex. 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, 1.10, 1.14

Oct 1, 2019Ex. 2.5, 2.8, 2.11, 2.18, 2.22HW#2
Oct 8, 2019Ex. 2.26, 2.27, 2.29, 2. 35, 2.36, 2.53HW#3
Oct 17, 2019Ex. 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3. 6, 3.8HW#4
Oct 24, 2019Ex. 3.13, 3.15, 3.25, 3. 28, 3.30HW#5
Nov 7, 2019Ex. 3.44, 3.51, 4.1, 4.6, 4.9HW#6
Nov 14, 2019Ex. 4.16, 4.22, 4.29, 4.35, 4.37HW#7
Dec 5, 2019Ex. 5.1, 5.11, 5.34, 5.35, 5.36HW#8
Dec 10, 2019

Ex. 6.3, 6.8, 6.9, 6.14

Dec 17, 2019

Ex. 6.17, 6.21, 6.27

Dec 19, 2019

Ex. 6.46, 6.51, 6.55

Dec 23, 2019

Bonus Hw (5 pts): code the Revised Simplex method in Python, Java, C or Matlab

Dec 23, 2019

Bonus Hw (5pts): code Karmarkar’s method in Matlab,  GAMS, Python, C or Java

Dec 23, 20195% bonus towards your total grade for this additional HW:
Ex. 5.46, 5.56, 6.19, 6.24, 6.35,6.40, 6.54
Date Announcement
Sept 17, 2019 You can download pyomo by visiting
Sept 17, 2019 You can download GAMS by visiting
Sept 17, 2019 Reading on Optimization (in Turkish)
Sept 17, 2019 Reading assignments: Tutorial Computational ComplexityP vs NP
Sept 17, 2019 Reading Assignment: conversion of LP from Standard Form to Karmarkar’s method