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ME521 – Advanced Fluid Dynamics

ME421/521                            Advanced Fluid Dynamics                                     Fall 2020

Instuctor: Prof. Dr. Metin Muradoglu

Office:     Eng. 248


Lectures: Tue/Th/Fri  15:00-15:50 via Zoom
Office Hour: Thursday 14:00-15:00 or by appointment


Requirements: Mech 301 or equivalent and strong background in differential calculus

Course Objectives:
The course is designed to teach senior and first year graduate mechanical engineering students the fundamentals of the classical fluid mechanics at an advanced level that is beyond the scope of the first fluid mechanics course. An introduction to the Cartesian tensors and derivation of flow equations in various forms. Solutions to the flow equations using scaling and approximations. Creeping flows, boundary layer theory, unidirectional flows and lubrication theory with applications in engineering and biological systems. Introduction to potential flow, turbulence and turbulent flows.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will:

– be able to use Cartesian tensors to manipulate flow equations;

– understand the derivation and physical interpretation of the flow equations;

– understand and effectively use the scaling and approximations to obtain analytical solutions;

– understand the boundary layer theory, derivation and solution of the boundary layer equations;

– understand the lubrication theory, its limitations and applications;

– understand the concept of flow instability and turbulent flows;

– be able to use modern computational tools and interpret the results.

Tentative Schedule:


2 lectures
Fundamentals: Molecular motion, continuum hypothesis, introduction to kinetic theory
3 lectures
Introduction to Cartesian Tensors
2 lectures
Preliminary Concepts: Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions, pathline, substantial derivative, fluid particle acceleration
Chapter 1
6 lectures
Conservation Laws for Compressible Viscous Flows: Continuity equation: Mass flux, integral and differential equations, stream function. Momentum equation: Forces, stresses, symmetry of stress tensor; properties of second-order, symmetric tensors; Newtonian fluid; Derivation of momentum equations, boundary conditions; Euler equations, streamline coordinates.

Energy equation: First law of thermodynamics, heat transfer, derivation of energy equation. Derivation of entropy equation, implications for transport coefficients. General form of Bernoulli equation.

Chapter 2



Chapter 4
(Kundu &Cohen)


Chapter 5 & 6


7 lectures
Solutions of the Viscous Flow Equations: Classification of solutions; Unidirectional flows; Similarity solutions; Lubrication theory; Creeping motion; Swimming at low Reynolds numbers.
Chapter 3

Chapter 5
(Kundu &Cohen)
2 lectures
Potential Flows: Introduction to complex potential, basic potential flows and superposition, conformal mapping
4 lectures
Laminar Boundary Layer: Boundary layer equations; Similarity solution; Free-Shear Flows; Approximate integral solutions; Thermal boundary layer; Asymptotic solutions.
Chapter 4

Chapter 16
(Kundu &Cohen)
2 lectures
Turbulent Flows: Introduction to turbulence and turbulent flows; Energy cascade and Kolmogorov’s hypothesis; Closure problem and modeling.
Chapter 6


1)Homework, Quizzes and Projects     30%

2)Midterm Exam                                      35%

3)Final Exam                                             35%

Text Book:

Viscous Fluid Flow (strongly recommended and available in bookstore)

by Frank M. White, 3rd edition .

Fluid Mechanics

by Pijush K. Kundu, Ira M. Cohen,Academic Press, 2nd edition .

Incompressible Flow

By R.L. Panton , John Wiley&Sons.

Physical Gas Dynamics (only the first chapter)

By Vincenti and Kruger, Krieger Publishing Co.

Additional References:

An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

By G.K. Batchelor, Cambridge university Press

Phsical Fluid Dynamics

By D.J. Tritton, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988.

Boundary-layer Theory

By Herrmann Schlichting, Klaus Gersten, with contributions from Egon Krause and Herbert Oertel Jr.   translated by Katherine Mayes

Turbulent Flows

By S.B. Pope, Cambridge University Press

Time commitment and ECTS credit:

Activity Number Time (hrs) Predicted Total Work Load (hrs)
Lectures 2×14=28 1.25 35
HWs and Project 14 5 70
Lab 0 0 0
Midterm Exam 1 25 25
Final 1 30 30
Total Work Load     160
ECTS Credit: Total Work Load (hrs)/30* = 5.3 ~ 6
*  30 hours of work load  is assumed to be 1 ECTS credit

ME301 – Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Metin Muradoglu

Room: Eng 248; Phone: 1473; E-mail:

Responsible Department: Mechanical Engineering

Course Coordinator: Metin Muradoğlu

Lectures: Tue/Th/Fri between 11:00-11:50 via Zoom
Office Hour: Thursday 14:00-15:00 or by appointment

PS Section: TBA


Text Book: Fluid Mechanics (8th Ed.) by Frank M. White, McGraw-Hill.

Course Homepage:

Objectives: The course is designed to teach students the basic principles of the fluid mechanics at an introductory level.

Topics to be covered (Tentative): Basic concepts, hydrostatics, Bernoulli’s equation, fluid kinematics, integral relations and finite control volume analysis, differential relations, vorticity, stream function, potential flow, similitude and dimensional analysis, viscous flow in pipes and ducts and boundary layer theory.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, a student will:

  • understand the basic concept of fluid;
  • compute forces and moments acting on surface immersed in fluid under hydrostatic conditions;
  • derive the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations of fluid motion in integral and differential forms;
  • reduce the general flow equations to simplified versions in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates and solve them for simple flows;
  • use Buckingham’s Pi theorem to develop dimensionless groups and apply similarity and modelling procedures;
  • understand the characteristics of laminar and turbulent flows
  • analyse losses in piping system;
  • understand the concept of boundary layer, flow separation and flow control;
  • Estimate lift and drag forces on aircrafts, ships and other moving vehicles.

Attendance: Students must attend at least 2/3 of all lectures according to Koç University regulations. Therefore, missing 10 or more lectures (days with a health report are also included) will result in an F grade. Students are also expected to attend the problem sessions.

Exam Policy: All exams will be given online following Koc University guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Makeup Policy: Makeup exams will be given at the end of the semester only for student who have a valid excuse for missing the exam. No makeup will be given for quizzes but the lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

HWs and Quizzes: You may discuss homework problems with others, but the work you hand in must be your own. Homework sets are due in Homework Box on Friday until 10:45am unless specified otherwise; no late homework will be accepted. Quizzes will be given in lecture/PS time and quiz questions will be the same or similar to HW questions.

CFD Projects: CFD projects will be assigned and will be graded towards your final grade. OpenFOAM or Ansys-Fluent will be used as a standard CFD package and tutorial sessions will be held during PS time. It is not required but you are strongly recommended to use your own laptop.


1) Attendance (Lectures + PSs)                                          4%

2)Quizzes, Homework Assignments & Project              26%

3)Midterm Exam                                                                30%

4)Final Exam                                                                       40%

Time commitment and ECTS credit:

Activity Number Time (hrs) Predicted Total Work Load (hrs)
Lectures 2×14=28 1.25 35
PS and Quizzes 14 1.25 17.5
HWs and Project 14 5.0 70
Lab 0 0 0
Midterm Exams

(a)     Exam

(b)     Preparation











(a)     Exam

(b)     Preparation










Total Work Load     179
ECTS Credit: Total Work Load (hrs)/30* = 5.97 ~ 6
*  30 hours of work load  is assumed to be 1 ECTS credit

Academic Regulations-Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty in the form of cheating, plagiarism, or collusion are serious offenses and are not tolerated at Koç University. University Academic Regulations and the Regulations for Student Disciplinary Matters clearly define the policy and the disciplinary action to be taken in case of academic dishonesty. Failure in academic integrity may lead to suspension and expulsion from the University. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying from a classmate or providing answers or information, either written or oral, to others. Plagiarism is borrowing or using someone else’s writing or ideas without giving written acknowledgment to the author. This includes copying from a fellow student’s paper or from a text (whether printed or electronic) without
properly citing the source. Collusion is getting unauthorized help from another person or having someone else write a paper or assignment.