MECH 206 – Grades

Final Exam Grade
58487 62
64085 57
64807 98
64311 100
69538 110
64216 51
64274 109
63928 77
68693 100
69065 100
63904 100
67853 75
69659 109
60239 95
59869 90
60248 70
64370 110
69572 110
64367 110
64239 45
59801 60
60685 110
64740 110
60043 95
69335 100
64627 100
54217 70
60224 50
66657 72
60730 110
60211 88
68876 40
69645 109
60310 107
60349 45
53701 0
53984 30
64752 110
69326 110
64661 91
64389 110
59700 85
69411 70
54203 0
61895 88
68893 105
64822 91
69091 63
50245 32
64903 86
68662 91
69215 83
60155 43
69190 110
64031 57
64542 110
64376 108
64884 75
41260 60
68706 110
60617 68
69226 86

Final grades will be determined as follows:

Quizzes                     15%
Midterm                    25%
Final                        35%
Research Project        30%
Homework                10%

Total:    115%

The course instructor may modify the above dates, grade percentages and the letter grade cut-off points.

Exams are scheduled in the following way:

Midterm 1- Will be determined by registrar’s office
Midterm 2- Will be determined by registrar’s office
Project Presentations and Submission- At the end of the semester

The course instructor may modify the above dates and grade percentages.