Group 3: Oil Well Project


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Engin Can Akalın
Hamit Murat Sayın

An oil well is a general term for any boring through the Earth’s surface that is designed to find and acquire petroleum oil hydrocarbons. Usually some natural gas is produced along with the oil. A well that is designed to produce mainly or only gas may be termed a gas well.

History of Oil Wells

The earliest known oil wells were drilled in China in 347 CE. They had depths of up to about 800 feet (240 m) and were drilled using bits attached to bamboo poles. The Middle East’s petroleum industry was established by the 8th century, when the streets of the newly constructed Baghdad were paved with tar, derived from petroleum that became accessible from natural fields in the region.


Our design was about being simple. We wanted to use simple, cheap and efficient materials in our project. A simple , undisturbed motion was necessary to we needed reliable system. The general oil well design was bit sophicasted so we tried alternative design. We went to a workshop and drew our shapes to the plexi glass and it was cut out by laser. Then we drilled proper holes for the screws o go in. After that we stabilized our motor and connected it to old used cable. With a rubber we transferred its rotation to the large circle, which then gives motion to the rest of our model.

We went to a workshop and drew our shapes to the plexi glass and it was cut out by laser. Then we drilled proper holes for the screws o go in. After that we stabilized our motor and connected it to old used cable. With a rubber we transferred its rotation to the large circle, which then gives motion to the rest of our model.