Group 18: Hypocycloid Two-Gear


Murat Uzuner

Kadir Erhan Devamlı
Burak Yiğit Koç

In this project, we show essentially converting the circular motion to linear motion. However this system is based on Tusi Couple. Tusi Coupe was invented by NasîrüddinTûsî in 13th century. He is Muslim philosopher and He especially researched about mathematics and astrology. The couple was first proposed as a solution for the latitudinal motion of the inferior planets, and later used extensively as a substitute for the equant introduced over a thousand years earlier in Ptolemy’s Almagest. Tusi coupe is composed of two circles which are moving at the same speed but in reverse direction and one is internally tangent to another. Because of the diameter of the external one is double the amount of the internal one, a spot on the small circle moves diametrically of the big one. So el-Tûsî, who proved the formation of rectilinear motion by the combining of two circular 7motions, customized his mathematical invention to the astronomy by explaining the motion of the moon.


After finishing drawing and kinematic equations, firstly we decided to gears’ size according to drawing measurement. The internal gear was found in catalogue and since the external gear is not standard size, we got it produced and ratio of gears is 1:2. After that, with taking respect to gears’ size, aluminum block and rotating plate were produced. The crucial point of the manufacturing process was to label the rotating plate inside the aluminum block. When we were labeling rotating plate inside the aluminum plate, we faced with tiny calculations because to obtain a smooth motion from the system, the rotating plate had to be placed exactly to the center of the aluminum block’s hole. The gap between the rotating plate and the aluminum block is 3 millimeters at every angle. The rotating plate is fixed onto the aluminum block by the holder. To fix rotating plate, we have used 2 bearings and a shaft. By the way of using a shaft, power has been transferred rotationally from motor through the rotating plate. A time belt has been used to make the necessary connections between the motor and the shaft.

At the front side, we have used a linker between external gear and the rotating plate for the external gear to rotate around the internal gear smoothly. We have placed the rod on to the connector which is also the center of the internal gear and rotating plate. To stabilize the rod’s motion, we have used a bearing at the lower part of the system so that the rod can move directly in a straight line.