Group 11: 4-Bar Prosthetic Knee

A prosthetic knee is a mechanical system that mimics the movement of an actual knee which is designed for amputee people. There are various mechanism used for prosthetic knees. Among them, four bar mechanism is the most simplified and basic version which has one degree of freedom in its movement. In this report, the dynamic analysis of the motion of the knee with four bar mechanism with optimal bar dimensions will be featured.

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In Grashof’s Law considering the movement of the four bar mechanism, it is stated that the summation of the longest and shortest bars should be less than the summation of the remaining bars. However, this rule only applies for the mechanisms that are operating in 360 degrees. Our design dimension were not applying this rule because our four bar mechanism is operating between 0 and 106 degrees as it is in gait cycle.

One of the key points of the technical background of the design was to understand the gait cycle. The gait cycle includes two phases: stance and swing phases. Stance phase is carried out until %60 percent of gait phase and then swing process takes over.