Group 7: Mechanical Press


İbrahim Faruk Uraz

Onur Emiroğlu
Burak Kaan Saltık

For our term project of Mech 206(dynamics), we have been constructed a mini mechanical press which works with electrical power generated by an electrical motor. Press machines are used to reshape the work piece, especially metals. Some functions of apress machine are stamping, free-drawing, punching, screwing, etc. Because of the need offewer loads and its simplicity, we constructed a stamping press machine. This machine isused mostly in jewelry fabrics and by metal can producers, because of availability of mass production option. Additionally this machine can load with hi-tech like heating so it is used for plastic shaped products like plastic caps .Also, in the modern world, hydraulic press machines are mostly selected by the manufacturers because hydraulic press machines can apply more force on a surface and there are more adjustable, so the area of using hydraulic presses are expanding nowadays and addition to this options the risk of breakdown is lower with reducing the friction between parts. Since our course is focused on dynamical analysis of mechanical systems, we have also focused on the dynamic analysis of our system. Inaddition, because of the crank mechanism we mostly preferred kinematic analysis, but also we calculated an estimated force by making some assumption that will be explained in the theory section.

At the beginning we preferred to choose the materials which we will use in our mechanical press machine. The total machine was built with 4140 steel expect the metal which we used for base is a steel between ST-37 and ST-42. The reason why we choose strength steel is the machine’s vibration is high and the forces applied on the parts is high as an impact.

Firstly, we started to build the main base using 3 plates and welding them to each other carefully and sent the base to drill the bearing holes to Bohrwerk for a perfect horizontal line. After this process we started to machine the miles with turning lathe. The back mile was easy, but the eccentric mile was a little bit hard, because we have to point the mile from 4 points and have to be careful for not create turning from the center of the plane.

Secondly, we have to manufacture the connecting rod, but the time was passing so we have decided to give this part to a wire erosion workshop. While the connecting part was constructing, we started to shape hammer and the panel ways of hammer in milling machine.

Finally, we were able to collect the machine. We bought a 0.25 kW electric motor and 2x60mm diameter and 2x300mm diameter wheels and 2 belts which conform to wheels. The process of collecting machine was harder than manufacturing the machine, because the lameness always happens in this process. As an example the hammer didn’t fit in his ways or the bearings were too tight to pass the miles trough of them. We used nuts with fibers because the afraid of vibration, the vibration could loosen the normal nuts. The time that we spent on this machine is totally 30 hours in 15 days and it was about 2 hours per day, but it worth to gain this experience. Also an approximate price list can be found below.