Group 7: Car Mono Wiper


Gizem Tomrukçu

Batu Berke Özdemir

Our project is called The Mono Wiper Project and it is based upon the mono wiper technology of Mercedes-Benz. In 1990’s engineers of Mercedes-Benz developed the idea of a mono wiper, which can conclude the job done by two wipers simultaneously, all by itself by both doing a rotation of 160° and also a linear motion, which allows the wiper to expand its length at the edges of the window, but extract it’s length on the mid-section of its rotational motion. It also should have a speed large enough to compete with the wiping area of two simultaneous wipers. Although this mechanism seems ingenious, it is being produced no more, due to its lack of competitive speed and the manufacturing cost. The new automobile models of Mercedes-Benz do not possess a mono wiper, but they possess the traditional method of two wipers as usual.

Inarguably, our next step was to continue with the CAD design of our project, but in order to do that, first we initiated reverse engineering, which means that we separated the mechanism to its smallest bits, so that we could obtain the necessary measurements for our CAD design and also our further calculations. After collecting every possible measurement of our mechanism, we started to draw it by using the program called Siemens NX, because it is easier to achieve a technical drawing by using that program. We finished designing every part of our mono wiper system, but we did not assemble them together by CAD, because after purchasing an actual wiper and being able to bring it to function perfectly, we decided ,with the valuable mentoring of our technical assistant, that manufacturing the mechanism actually was not necessary in our case. So we all embraced that idea and moved on to the next step of our project. We reversed our reverse engineering project by gathering the parts of the mechanism together and we assembled the wiper into its initial form, but we honestly did a mistake while bringing the parts together. We accidentally installed two of the links to wrong places. That is why we got confused later on with the calculations. Then we realized our previous mistake, so we disassembled the wiper once again, in order to reassemble it back together correctly this time. You can observe every single part of our mono wiper mechanism designed in CAD by us.