- QMBU 301:Quantitative Methods for Business:Statistical techniques in business data analysis; decision making under uncertainty. Concept of loss functions, decision trees, Bayes’ Rule; correlation analysis, simple and multiple regression analysis (variable selection, model building, residual analysis); exponential smoothing methods; Extensive use of computer-based computational tools and business applications.
- STAT901: Introduction to Managerial Statistics: An introduction to statistics as applied to managerial problems. Conceptual understanding , limitations and misuses of statistics and interpretation of statistical results are emphasized. Hands-on experience is provided using software. Descriptive statistics including central tendency, dispersion, skewness, covariance, binomial and normal probability distributions, confidence intervals for means, and simple linear regression. Examples from finance, operations, and marketing.
- QMBU901: Quantitative Methods for Business: An introduction to the basic concepts of model building and forecasting. Extrapolation methods, multiple linear regression, decision analysis, simulation and linear programming. Strong emphasis placed on practical applications and decision making. Developing basic analytical skills, such as formalizing trade-offs, specifying constraints, providing for uncertainty, and performing sensitivity analysis.
- OPSM901: Operations Management:Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the operations management of service as well as manufacturing companiers: obtaining and controlling productive resources, process management fundemantals; cross-functional integration, corrdination, and control; improving the performance of productive systems; and competing through technology and operations.
- OPSM301: Operations Management: Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the control of a firm’s operations in obtaining materials and transferring them to a product or a service in a facility; the contribution of operations to a firm’s competitiveness; analysis, control, and improvement of processes.