Hi! I am an Assistant Professor at Koç University Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I explore and exploit nonlinear dynamics in optics, generate high-power ultrashort pulses and use them to develop photonic technologies and solutions. For open positions and ongoing projects, see the web pages of Laboratory of Photonic Technologies (LPT).


Research interests:
I am working on photonics with a focus on “Optics for AI and AI for Optics”. I study and utilize nonlinear wave dynamics for:
  • Ultrafast optics
  • Fiber optics and lasers
  • Optical computing
  • Photonic neural networks
  • Ultrafast imaging
  • Frequency conversion

Email: utegin[at]ku.edu.tr
Phone: +90-212-338-0710
Address: MF-272, Koç University, Rumelifeneri, 34450 Sarıyer, İstanbul

Experience & Education:
  • Postdoc, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
  • PhD, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
  • MSc, Bilkent University
  • BSc, Bilkent University

Journal Covers and News:

Scalable Optical Learning Operator, Nature Computational Science 1 (8), 542-549, 2021

Spatiotemporal self-similar fiber laser, Optica 6 (11), 1412-1415, 2019

The Economist Dec 24th 2022, The article shares our work and my opinion on optical computing.










Selected Papers:

Scalable Optical Learning Operator, Nature Computational Science 1 (8), 542-549, 2021

Predicting spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode fibre optics with a recurrent neural network, Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (5), 387-391, 2021

Single-mode output by controlling the spatiotemporal nonlinearities in mode-locked femtosecond multimode fiber lasers, Advanced Photonics 2 (5), 1-8, 2020


Controlling spatiotemporal nonlinearities in multimode fibers with deep neural networks, APL Photonics 5 (3), 030804, 2019

Spatiotemporal self-similar fiber laser, Optica 6 (11), 1412-1415, 2019

All-fiber all-normal-dispersion femtosecond laser with nonlinear multimodal interference based saturable absorber, Optics Letters 43 (7), 1611-1614, 2018