
  1. Fermions in Yang-Mills electric and magnetic pole potentials

Phys. Rev. D11 (1975) 3541 (J.H. Swank, L.J. Swank)

  1. Fermions in Yang-Mills potentials

Phys. Rev. D12 (1975) 1096 (J.H. Swank, L.J. Swank) 1976

  1. SU (3)/ SO(3) magnetic monopoles

Yale University Report COO- 3075-137 (1976) (L.J. Swank) 1977

  1. Supergravity couplings to non-linear realizations in two dimensions
  2. Phys.A10(1977) L149 (Add, 2189) (S.Deser) 1978
  1. Fermionic Goldstone-Higgs effect in 2+1 dimensional supergravity
  2. Phys.A11(1978) L27 (S.Deser)
  3. Exact plane wave solutions of supergravity field equations

Phys. Rev. D18 (1978) 1754 (P.C.Aichelburg) 1979

  1. First non-trivial exact solutions of supergravity

Czech J. Phys. B29 (1979) 252 (P.C.Aichelburg)

  1. Exact plane wave solutions of O(2) extended supergravity

Phys. Lett. 80B (1979) 357 (P.C.Aichelburg)

  1. Exact solutions of super gauge invariant Yang-Mills equations

Phys. Lett. 84B (1979) 201 (R.Güven) 1980

  1. Gravitational monopoles with classical torsion
  2. Phys.A13(1980) L359 (I. M. Benn, R. W. Tucker)
  3. Gauge field interactions in spaces with arbitrary torsion

Phys. Lett. 96B (1980) 100 (I. M. Benn, R. W. Tucker)

  1. A class of exact supergravity solutions

Phys. Lett. 97B (1980) 396 (R. W. Tucker) 1981

  1. Exact neutrino solutions in the presence of torsion

Phys. Lett. 82A (1981) 229 (R. W. Tucker)

  1. A geometrical model for a matter- free torsion ball
  2. Phys. Lett.A14(1981) 2957 ( R. W. Tucker)
  3. Double dual solutions of generalized theories of gravitation

Gen. Rel. Grav. 13 (1981) 581 (I.M. Benn, R. W. Tucker) 1982

  1. A critical analysis of some fundamental differences in gauge approaches to gravitation
  2. Phys. A15 (1982) 849 (I.M. Benn, R. W. Tucker)
  3. Solutions of generalized theories of gravitation derived from a modified double duality condition

Dynamical system and microphysics: Geometry and mechanics Edited by A.Avez et al, (Academic, 1982) p.403 (I.M. Benn, R. W. Tucker)

  1. An intrinsic analysis of neutrino couplings to gravity 
  2. Phys.A15(1982) 1625 (R.W. Tucker)
  3. A note on a generalization of Weyl’s theory of gravitation
  4. Phys.A15(1982) L7 (R.W. Tucker)
  5. Electroweak effects in a superconductor

Phys. Lett. 109 B (1982) 497 (P.Morley, R.W. Tucker)

  1. Weyl scaling and spinor matter interactions in scalar-tensor theories of gravitation

Phys. Lett. 110 B (1982) 206 (R.W. Tucker)

  1. Scalar fields and dynamics of the early universe
  2. Phys.A15(1982) 3167 (M. Panahimoghaddam, R.W. Tucker)
  3. A spin (1,4) gauge theory model with Kaluza-Klein symmetry

Nucl. Phys. B 209 (1982) 217 (R.W. Tucker) 1983

  1. Aspects of a spin (1,4) gauge theory model with Kaluza-Klein symmetry

Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Lecture Notes in Physics Vol.180

Edited by M. Serdaroğlu, E.İnonu (Springer,1983) p.258 (R.W.Tucker)

  1. Dimensional reduction of Einstein-Stephenson-Yang theory of gravity

Proceedings of 10th International Conference on general Relativity and Gravitation

Edited by B.Bertotti, Felice, A.Pascolini (Padova, 1983) p.501

  1. Dynamical reduction of internal dimensions in the early universe

Phys. Lett. 125B (1983) 133 (R.W.Tucker)

  1. Octonionic geometry and simple supergravity in eleven dimensions

Phys. Lett. 126B (1983) 33 (M.Panahi, A.Sudbery, R.W.Tucker) 1984

  1. Einstein-Kähler solutions in some cosmological space-times

Class. Q.Grav. 1(1984) L67 (M.Önder, R.W.Tucker) 1985

  1. Conformal scale invariance and scalar-tensor theories of gravitation in higher dimensions

Turk. J.Phys. (Doğa) A9 (1985) 30 (A.Eriş)

  1. Comments on windows to extra dimensions

Phys. Lett. 161B (1985) 307

  1. Plane waves in supergravity

Class.Q.Grav. 2 (1985) 147 (A.Beler)

  1. Plane waves in N=2 extended supergravity

Class.Q.Grav. 2 (1985) 823 (A.Beler) 1986

  1. Plane waves in supergravity theories

1st Torino meeting on supergravity and Extra Dimensions

Edited by P.Fre, A.D’Auria (World Scientific, 1986) p.517 (A.Beler)

  1.  Harmonic maps and magnetostatic axially symmetric solutions of the Kaluza-Klein theory

Nuo. Cim. B93 (1986) 102 (A.Eriş, A.Karasu)

  1.  Generalised Ker-Schild transform in eleven dimensions

Phys. Lett. 71B (1986)209 (M.Gürses) 1987

  1. Euler-Poincaré Lagrangian and Kaluza-Klein Theory

Phys.Lett. 189B (1987) 96 (M.Arık)

  1. A gauge model of amorphous solids containing defects

Phil. Mag.B56 (1987)625 (A.Verçin)

  1. Variational methods and effective actions in string model

Class.Q.Grav.4 (1987) 791 (R.W.Tucker) 1988

  1. Weyl invariant tensors in odd dimensions

Class.Q.Grav.5 (1988) L21  (M.Mukherjee, R.W.Tucker)

  1. Gravitational interactions in 2+1 dimensions

Class.Q.Grav.5 (1988) 951 (R.W.Tucker) 1989

  1. Euler form actions and the vanishing of the cosmological constant

Phys. Rev.Lett. 62 (1989) 5 (M.Arık) 1990

  1. Kaluza-Klein reduction of generalized theories of gravity and non-minimal gauge couplings

Class.Q.Grav.7 (1990) 1109 (G.Üçoluk)

  1. Direct curvature-Yang-Mills field coupling induced by the Kaluza-Klein reduction of Euler from actions in seven dimensions

Class.Q.Grav.(1990) 533 (G.Üçoluk)

  1. Relativistic elastica

Phys. Lett. 252B (1990) 601 (D.Hartley, M.Önder, R.W.Tucker) 1991

  1. Dynamical reduction of first order effective string field equations in the early universe

Class.Q.Grav.8 (1991) 889 (Ş.Özkurt)

  1. A gauge model of amorphous solids containing defects II.Chern-Simons free energy

Phil.Mag.B64(1991)509 (A.Verçin)m1992

  1. A study of stationary, axially symmetric space-time geometries satisfying modified double duality equations using the exterior calculus package XTR for REDUCE

J.Comp.Phys.99 (1992) 169 (G.Üçoluk)

  1. A physical realization of the super-sine algebra

Phys.Lett. B288 (1992) 109 (A.Verçin) 1993

  1. Higher derivative effective Yang-Mills theory and static, spherically symmetric field configurations

J.Phys.G19 (1993) 477 (S.Başkal)

  1. Signature dynamics in general relativity

Class.Q.Grav.10 (1993) 365 (R.W.Tucker)

  1. Signature transition in quantum cosmology

Class.Q.Grav.10 (1993) 1425 (M.Önder, R.W.Tucker)

  1. Lie algebra deformation of DiffAT2 and Bloch electrons in a constant uniform magnetic field

J.Phys. A26 (1993) 6961 (A.Verçin) 1994

  1. The classical Lorentz-Dirac equation and extrinsic curvatures

Turk.J.Phys.18 (1994) 77 (M.Önder, R.W.Tucker)

  1. A spinor model for quantum cosmology

Phys.Lett. B324 (1994) 134 (M.Önder, R.W.Tucker)

  1. Non-metricity induced by dilaton gravity in two dimensions

Class.Q.Grav. 11(1994) 2575 (R.W.Tucker) 1995

  1. On the relation between classical and quantum cosmologies

Turk.J.Phys.19 (1995) 249 (M.Önder, R.W.Tucker)

  1. Solutions for neutral axi-dilaton gravity in four dimensions

Class.Q.Grav.12 (1995) L25 (M.Önder, R.W.Tucker)


  1.  An Einstein-Hilbert action for axi-dilaton gravity in four dimensions

Class.Q.Grav.12 (1995) L31 (R.W.Tucker)

(gr-qc/9502018) 1996

  1. Self-dual Yang-Mills fields in eight dimensions

Lett.Math.Phys.36 (1996) 301(A.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)


  1. Finite action Yang-Mills solutions on the group manifold

J.Phys.A29 (1996) 5001 (J.Schray, R.W.Tucker)


  1. Non-Riemannian gravity and the Einstein-Proca system

Class.Q.Grav.13 (1996) L103 (M.Önder, J.Schray, R.W.Tucker, C.Wang)


  1. The geometry of self-dual gauge fields

IX.Max Born Symposium

Karpacz, Poland, September1996 (A.H.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)

(hep-th/9612230) 1997

  1. Self-dual gauge fields in eight dimensions

Proceedings of The Barut Memorial Conference

Edirne, December 1995

Turk.J.Phys. 21 (1997) 361 (A.H.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)

  1. The geometry of self-dual 2-forms

J.Math.Phys.38 (1997) 4804 (A.H.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)


  1. W¥-covariance of the Weyl-Winger-Groenewold-Moyal Quantization

J.Math.Phys.38 (1997) 5515 (A.Verçin)


  1. Constrained Euler-Poincaré supergravity in five dimensions

Turk.J.Phys.21 (1997) 1181 (E.Atasoy, M.Önder)


  1. Seiberg-Witten equations on R8

5th Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference

Akyaka-Muğla, May 1996

Turk.J.Math.21 (1997) 87 (A.H.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)


  1. Wu-Yang monopoles and non-Abelian Seiberg-Witten equations

Mod.Phys.Lett.A8 (1998) 1803 (M.Tekmen)

(hep-th/9806031) 1999

  1. Monopole equation on 8-manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy

Comm.Math.Phys. 203 (1999) 21 (A.H.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)


  1. String fields and the standard model

Phys.Rev.Lett. 82(1999) 4184 (R.W.Tucker)


  1. Self-gravitating line sources of weak hypercharge

Class. Q. Grav. 16(1999) L45 (R.W.Tucker)

(gr-qc/9902057) 2000

  1. On the universality of low-energy string model

Class.Q.Grav.17 (2000) 219(Y.N.Obukhov)


  1. Massless scalar fields and topological black holes

Phys.Rev.D61 (2000) 084015 (Y.N.Obukhov)


  1. General analysis of self-dual solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell- Chern-Simons theory in (2+1) dimensions

Phys.Rev.D61 (2000) 024013 (Y.N.Obukhov)


  1. “Self dual” solutions of topologically massive gravity coupled with the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory

Phy.Lett. B492 (2000) 339 (Ö.Sarıoğlu)


  1. Monopole equations on R8: The energy integral

Proceedings of 9th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, August 1999,İstanbul, Turkey

Turk.J.Phys.24 (2000) 259 (A.H.Bilge, Ş.Koçak)

  1. Non-Riemannian gravitational interactions: An overview

Proceeding of 9th Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity July 2000, Rome, Italy

(M.Önder, J.Schray, R.W.Tucker, C.Wang) 2001

  1. Supersymmetric solutions to topologically massive gravity and black holes in three dimensions

Phy.Rev. D63 (2001) 027501 (Ö.Sarıoğlu)


  1. Neutrino oscillations induced by space-time torsion

Class. Q.Grav.18 (2001) 1503 (M.Adak, L.H.Ryder)


  1. Non-commutative geometry and the Higgs masses

Phys.Rev.D63 (2001) 0075006 (A.Çatal)


  1. Electroweak theory and noncommutative geometry

Class.Q.Grav.18 (2001) 3251 (A.Çatal)

(Special issue for the Proc. 2nd Gürsey Memorial Conference: M-theory and Dualities, 19-24 June2000, İstanbul, Turkey)


  1. Towards the control of matter with gravity

Paper submitted to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2001)

(D.Burton, J.Gratus, W.Johnson, R.W.Tucker, C.W.Wang) 2002

  1. Conformal black hole solutions of axi-dilaton gravity in D-dimensions

Phys.Rev.D65 (2002) 047501 (H.Cebeci)


  1. A broken gauge approach to gravitational mass and charge

JHEP 03 (2002) 041 (R.W.Tucker)


  1. On the detection of scalar field induced spacetime torsion

Mod. Phys. Lett. A17 (2002)421 (R.W.Tucker)

(gr-qc/0104050) 2003

  1. Dirac equation in spacetimes with non-metricity and torsion

Int. J. Mod. Phys. D12 (2003) 145  (M. Adak, L. H. Ryder)


  1. Seiberg-Witten type monopole equations on 8-manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy as minimizers of a quadratic action

JHEP 04 (2003) 003  (A.H.Bilge, Ş. Koçak) (hep-th/0303098)