Book Chapters

[1]N. Dindar, A. M. Tekalp, and C. Basdogan, ”Dynamic Haptic Interaction with Video,” in Handbook of Virtual Environments (2nd Ed.),(eds. Kelly Hale,  Kay Stanney), 2014.[2]G. Gürler and A. M. Tekalp, ”Adaptive Streaming of Multi view Video over P2P Networks,” Chap. 10 in Emerging Technologies for 3D Video: (ed. Dufaux, Pesquet-Popescu and Cagnazzo), 2013.[3]H. E. Cetingul, E. Erzin, Y. Yemez, and A. M. Tekalp, “Multimodal Speaker Identification using Discriminative Lip Motion Features,” in Visual speech recognition: Lip Segmentation and Mapping (ed. Alan Liew), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2008.[4]A. M. Tekalp and R. Civanlar, ”Efficient Transport of 3DTV,” in Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission, and Display (eds. H. Ozaktas and L. Onural), Springer, Heidelberg, 2007[5]C. Canton-Ferrer, J. R. Casas, A. M. Tekalp, and M. Pardas, “Projective Kalman filter: Multiocular Tracking of 3D Locations Towards Scene Understanding,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3869, pp. 250-261 (eds. S. Renals and S. Bengio), Springer, ISBN 3-540-32549-2, Feb. 2006.[6]E. Erzin, Y. Yemez, and A. M. Tekalp, “Joint Audio-Video Processing for Robust Biometric Speaker Identification in Car,” in DSP in Mobile and Vehicular Systems (eds. H. Abut, J. H.L. Hansen and K. Takeda), Springer, ISBN 0-387-22978-7, 2005.[7]A. M. Tekalp, “Video Indexing and Summarization,” in Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction (ed. William S. Bainbridge), Berkshire Publishing, ISBN 0-9743091-2-5, 2004.[8]

S. Dockstader and A. M. Tekalp, “Biometric Feature Extraction in a Multi-Camera Surveillance System,” in Multisensor Surveillance Systems: The Fusion Perspective, (ed. G. L. Foresti, C. S. Regazzoni, and P. Varnshey), pp. 219-234, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7492-1, 2003.

[9]. A. Ekin and A. M. Tekalp, “A Generic Event Model and Sports Video Processing for Summarization and Model-Based Search,” in Handbook of Video Databases (ed. Borko Furht and Oge Marques), Chp. 6, pp. 123-148, CRC Press, ISBN 08493-7006-X, 2003.[10]A. M. Tekalp,“Video Segmentation,” in Handbook of Image and Video Processing (ed. Alan C. Bovik), Chp 4.9, pp. 383-400, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-119790-5, 2000.[11]“Image Sequences,” in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Eng. (ed. John G. Webster), vol. 9, pp. 670-694, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., ISBN 0471-13949-1, 1999.[12]“Content-Based Video Compression and Manipulation using 2-D Mesh Modeling,” Chp. 6 in Visual Communications and Image Processing (eds. C. W. Chen and Y.-Q. Zhang), Marcel Dekker, Inc., ISBN 0-8247-1928-X, 1999. (with P. J.L. van Beek)[13]“Image and Video Restoration,” Chp. 53 in The Digital Signal Processing Handbook (ed. V. Madisetti and D. Williams), CRC Press and IEEE Press, ISBN 0-8493-8572-5, 1998[14]“Object Tracking Using Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Modeling For Content-Based Video Compression,” in Video Data Compression for Multimedia Computing (eds. H. Li, S. Sun, and H. Derin), ISBN 0-7923-9790-8, Kluwer, 1996. (with C. Toklu, A. T. Erdem, and M. I. Sezan)[15]”Estimation Techniques in Image Restoration,” in Digital Image Processing: Techniques and Applications (ed. C. T. Leondes), Control and Dynamic Systems, vol. 67, Academic Press Inc., ISBN 0-12-012767-9, 1994. (with H. Kaufman)[16]”Multiframe Wiener Restoration of Image Sequences,” Chp. 13 in Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing (eds. M. I. Sezan and R. L. Lagendijk), Kluwer, Norwell, MA, 1993. (with M. K. Ozkan, M. I. Sezan, and A. T. Erdem)[17]”Restoration of Scanned Photographic Images,” Chp. 8 in Image Restoration (ed. A. Katsaggelos), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 0-387-53292-7, 1991. (with G. Pavlovic)