
  • Current interest: With the ultimate success of techniques for trapping and cooling atoms developed and improved gradually since the 1980s, first atomic Bose gases and then atomic Fermi gases have emerged as unique testing grounds for many theories of exotic matter in nature, allowing for the creation of complex yet very accessible and controllable many-body quantum systems. These atomic systems offer unique opportunities as opposed to condensed matter systems in which the lack of precise experimental control has hindered the development of techniques that could systematically probe the effects of strong correlations. In particular, I am currently interest in
    • Many-body cold-atom physics in general (Hubbard models, superfluidity, BEC, etc.)
    • Atomic Fermi-Fermi, Bose-Bose and Bose-Fermi mixtures.
    • Topological phases of matter.
    • Artificial Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields.
  • Ph.D. work (BCS-BEC crossover): The focus of my Ph.D. research was on the analysis of the BCS-BEC evolution in superfluid Fermi gases. When the interaction between atoms is varied, the ground state evolves from Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) limit of largely overlapping Cooper pairs to the limit of tightly bound small composite molecules which undergo Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). This is an important topic of current research not only for the atomic and molecular physics communities, but also for the condensed matter, nuclear, high energy and astrophysics communities, where models for superfluidity have been investigated in various contexts.
  • Group members: Here is the complete list of former and current MS/PhD students, Postdocs and Visitors.
    • Possibly You! – send me an email (2018-202x).
    • Nur Aslan: PhD supported by TUBITAK 1001. Switched advisors for another PhD position (2015-2016).
    • Dr. Onur Rıfat Umucalılar: Postdoc supported by TUBITAK 2232. Moved to Mimar Sinan University for a Faculty position (2014-2016).
    • Dr. Ahmet Tuna Bölükbaşı: Postdoc supported by TUBITAK 3501, 2218, 1001. Moved to UCLA for a second Postdoc (2012-2015).
    • Enis Doko: PhD supported by TUBITAK 2215 and Koç University. Moved to Ibn Haldun University for a Faculty position (2010-2016).
    • Selahattin Kalafat: MS supported by Koç University. Moved to Sabancı University for a PhD position (2010-2012).
    • Dr. Ahmet Levent Subaşı: A long-time friend/collaborator from Istanbul Technical University.
  • Funding: Here is the complete list of completed and ongoing projects.
      • TUBITAK Research Grant – 1001 – 118F359 (2019-2021).
      • Science Academy’s Young Scientist Awards (BAGEP) Program (2016-2018).
      • TUBITAK Research Grant – 1001 – 114F232 (2014-2017).
      • EC Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant – FP7-PEOPLE-IRG-2010-268239 (2010-2014).
      • TUBITAK Career Grant – 3501 – 110T839 (2011-2014).
      • Turkish Academy of Science’s TUBA-GEBIP award (2011-2014).