Flash News

  • M. I. received a TUBITAK 1001 Grant for “Quantum geometry and topology with quantum gases” (January 2019).
  • M. I. appeared in the new TRT Belgesel documentary series Etme Bulma (May 2017).
  • N. A. switched advisors for another PhD position at Koç University (September 2016).
  • O. R. U. switched groups (August 2016), and moved to Mimar Sinan University for a Faculty position (May 2017).
  • E. D. defended his PhD thesis “Spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases under adiabatic rotation”, and moved to Bahcesehir University for an Instructor position (August 2016).
  • M. I. granted a Sabbatical Leave for the 2017-2018 academic year (August 2016).
  • M. I. is promoted to the rank of an Associate Professor of Physics at Koç University (June 2016).
  • M. I. received the Turkish Science Academy’s “Young Scientist (BAGEP) Award” (April 2016).
  • A. T. B. moved to UCLA-PA for a second Postdoc (May 2015).
  • N. A. joined the group as a PhD candidate (February 2015).
  • O. R. U. joined the group as a Postdoc with TUBITAK 2232 Postdoctoral Return Fellowship Program (November 2014).
  • M. I. received a TUBITAK 1001 Grant for “Many-body physics with quantum gases in artificial gauge fields ” (August 2014).
  • M. I. received Feyzi Akkaya Science Foundation (FABED) “Eser Tümen Distinguished Young Scientist Award” (July 2014).
  • M. I. appointed to the 2014 Turkish Physics Olympiad Team Recruitment Committee by TUBITAK (January 2014).
  • M. I. received the METU Prof. Mustafa N. Parlar Foundation’s “Research Encouragement Award” (December 2013).
  • M. I. became a YÖK Doçent (October 2013).
  • M. I. is accepted to the Harvard-Koç University Visiting Scholar Program for the summer of 2013 (April 2013).
  • memorable moment with the Turkish President Abdullah Gül (December 2012).
  • A. T. B. received the TUBITAK 2218 National Postdoctoral Research Scholarship (November 2012).
  • M. I. received the Koç University’s “College of Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award” (October 2012).
  • S. K. defended his MS thesis “Ultracold spin-polarized Fermi gases with spin-orbit coupling”, and moved to Sabancı University for a PhD position (September 2012).
  • A. T. B. joined the group as a postdoc (August 2012).
  • M. I. received the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey’s “TUBITAK Basic Sciences Encouragement Award” (July 2012).
  • M. I. received the Turkish Physical Society’s “Prof. Şevket Erk Young Scientist Award” (July 2012).
  • E. D. received the TUBITAK 2215 PhD Fellowship for Foreign Citizens (October 2011).
  • M. I. received the Turkish Academy of Science’s “The Young Scientist (TUBA-GEBIP) Award” (May 2011).
  • E. D. joined the group as a PhD candidate (March 2011).
  • M. I. received the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey’s “TUBITAK 3501 Career Grant” for “Strongly correlated condensed-matter phenomena with ultra-cold quantum gases” (January 2011).
  • S. K. joined the group as an MS student (September 2010).
  • M. I. received the European Commission’s “Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant” for “Quantum phases of Fermi-Fermi, Bose-Bose and Bose-Fermi mixtures of atomic gases at ultracold temperatures” (May 2010).
  • M. I. started as an Assistant Professor of Physics at Koç University (September 2009).