

Sobutay E, Bilgiç Ç, Uymaz DS, Şahin B, Mercan S, Kabaoğlu B, Yapıcı Eser H, Yavuz Y. Can We Benefit from the Preoperative Psychometric Test with Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) to Predict Weight Loss After Sleeve Gastrectomy?. Obesity Surgery. 2022 Feb 11:1-8.

Manchia M, Gathier AW, Yapici-Eser H, Schmidt MV, de Quervain D, van Amelsvoort T, Bisson JI, Cryan JF, Howes OD, Pinto L, Van der Wee NJ. The impact of the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic on stress resilience and mental health: A critical review across waves. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2022 Feb 1;55:22-83.

Yurtsever SS, Çakmak ÖÖ, Eser HY, Ertan S, Demir-Lira ÖE, Göksun T. Production and comprehension of co-speech gestures in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia. 2021 Oct 14:108061.

Yapici-Eser H, Yalcinay-Inan M, Kucuker MU, Kilciksiz CM, Yilmaz S, Dincer N, Kilic O, Ercan AC, Aydemir O. Subjective cognitive assessments and N-back are not correlated, and they are differentially affected by anxiety and depression. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2021 Sep 7:1-1.

Celik Y, Yapici-Eser H, Balcan B, Peker Y. Association of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness with the Zung Self-Rated Depression Subscales in Adults with Coronary Artery Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Diagnostics. 2021 Jul;11(7):1176.

Eren-Yazicioglu CY, Kara B, Sancak S, Uysal SP, Yazici D, Okuroglu N, Whitton AE, Rutherford  AV,  Yapici Eser H.Effect of exenatide use on cognitive and affective functioning in obese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: Exenatide use mediates depressive scores through increased perceived stress levels. Journal Of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2021, accepted for publication on February 24, 2021

Kiliç Ö, Yapici Eser H, Necef I, Altunöz U, Öztop Çakmak Ö, Aktas C. How Do Physicians Manage Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder And Somatic Symptom Disorder In The Emergency Department? A Vignette Study, Noropsikiyatri Arsivi-archives Of Neuropsychiatry, 2021, 1300-0667, Published online,ahead of print.

Yapici-Eser H, Koroglu YE, Oztop-Cakmak O, Keskin O, Gursoy A, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of COVID-19 Explained by SARS-CoV-2 Proteins’ Mimicry of Human Protein Interactions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2021 Mar 23;15:126.

Izgi B, Moore TM,Yalcinay-Inan M, Port AM, Gur RC, Yapici-Eser H. Test–retest reliability of the Turkish translation of the Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Published online January 2021.

Eren-Yazicioglu CY, Yigit A, Dogruoz RE, Yapici-Eser H. Can GLP-1 Be a Target for Reward System Related Disorders? A Qualitative Synthesis and Systematic Review Analysis of Studies on Palatable Food, Drugs of Abuse, and Alcohol. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2021 Jan 18.

Chawner SJ, Mihaljevic M, Morrison S, Eser HY, Maillard AM, Nowakowska B, van den Bree MB, Swillen A, MINDDS Consortium. Pan-european landscape of research into neurodevelopmental copy number variants: A survey by the MINDDS consortium. European Journal of Medical Genetics. 2020 Dec 1;63(12):104093.

Cakmak YO, Ozsoy B, Ertan S, Cakmak OO, Kiziltan G, Yapici-Eser H, Ozyaprak E, Olcer S, Urey H, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y. Intrinsic Auricular Muscle Zone Stimulation Improves Walking Parameters of Parkinson’s Patients Faster Than Levodopa in the Motion Capture Analysis: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Neurology. 2020;11.

Eser HY, Inan MY, Kucuker MU, Kilciksiz CM, Yilmaz S, Dincer N, Kilic O, Ercan AC, Aydemir O. Development, Validity and Reliability of the 4-point Likert Turkish version of Cognitive Failures Questionnaire.Annals of Medical Research. 2020 June.

Yapıcı Eser H, Taşkıran AS, Ertınmaz B, Mutluer T, Kılıç Ö, Özcan Morey A, Necef I, Yalçınay İnan M, Öngür D. Anxiety disorders comorbidity in pediatric bipolar disorder: a meta‐analysis and meta‐regression study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2020 Apr;141(4):327-39.

Yapici-Eser H, Appadurai V, Eren CY, Yazici D, Chen CY, Öngür D, Pizzagalli DA, Werge T, Hall MH. Association between GLP-1 receptor gene polymorphisms with reward learning, anhedonia and depression diagnosis. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 2020 Mar 26:1-8.

Yilmaz NH, Saricaoğlu M, Eser HY, Düz ÖA, Polat B, Özer FF. The Relationship Between Pain, and Freezing of Gait and Falls in Parkinson’s Disease. Archives of Neuropsychiatry. 2020 Mar;57(1):56.

Yapıcı Eser H, Yalçınay-İnan M, Küçüker MU, Kılçıksız CM, Yılmaz S, Dinçer N, Kılıç Ö, Ercan AC, Aydemir Ö. Validity and Reliability of the Turkish version of Snaith-Hamilton Scale. Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research.  Published online January 2nd, 2020.

Erbil D, Eren CY, Demirel C, Küçüker MU, Solaroğlu I, Eser HY. GLP-1’s role in neuroprotection: a systematic review. Brain injury. 2019 May 12;33(6):734-819.

Küçükkarapınar M*, Eser HY*, Kotan VO, Yalcinay-Inan M, Tarhan R, Arikan Z. Assessing the validity and reliability of the Turkish versions of craving beliefs and beliefs about substance use questionnaire in patients with heroin use disorder: demonstrating valid tools to assess cognition-emotion interplay. Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy. 2018 Dec;13(1):29.*: These authors equally contributed to the study.

Yapıcı-Eser H, Kaçar AŞ, Kılçıksız CM, Yalçınay İnan M, Ongur D. Prevalence and Associated Features of Anxiety Disorder Comorbidity In Bipolar Disorder: A meta-analysis and meta-regression study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2018;9:229.

Yapıcı-Eser H, Dönmez-Demir B, Kılıç K, Eren-Koçak E, Dalkara T. Stress modulates cortical excitability via α-2 adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptors: As assessed by spreading depression. Experimental neurology. 2018 May 29.

Berkay D, Eser HY, Sack AT, Çakmak YÖ, Balcı F. The modulatory role of pre-SMA in speed-accuracy tradeoff: A bi-directional TMS study. Neuropsychologia. 2017 Dec 20.

Onay A*, Yapici-Eser H*, Ulasoglu-Yildiz C, Aslan S, Tali ET. A combined VBM and DTI study of schizophrenia: bilateral decreased insula volume and cerebral white matter dysintegrity corresponding to subinsular white matter projections unbound to clinical symptomatology. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. 2017. *: These authors equally contributed to the study.

Yapici-Eser H, Bora HA, Kuruoglu A. “Depression and Parkinson disease: prevalence, temporal relationship, and determinants.” Turkish journal of medical sciences. 2017: 47.2: 499-503.

Yapıcı-Eser, H., Onay, A., Öztop-Çakmak, Ö., Egemen, E., Vanlı-Yavuz, E. N., & Solaroğlu, İ. Rare case of glioblastoma multiforme located in posterior corpus callosum presenting with depressive symptoms and visual memory deficits. BMJ Case Reports, 2016, bcr2016216505.

Aslan S, Türkçapar MH, Yapıcı-Eser H, Uğurlu M. Reliability and Validity of Beliefs about Substance Use (BSU) Questionnaire in Alcohol Dependent Patients. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 2012: 1(3), 162-170.

Coşar B, Taşkınoğlu K, Lepping P, Burhanoğlu S, Yapıcı-Eser H, Taner ME, Arıkan Z. Treatment options of delusional parasitosis: case series of 14 patients. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2012; 13(3): 239-242.

Coşar B, Taner ME, Yapıcı-Eser H, Altınöz AE, Tarhan R. Does Switching to Another Antipsychotic in Patients With Clozapine-Associated Granulocytopenia Solve the Problem? Case Series of 18 Patients. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2011; 31(2): 169 – 173

Aslan S, Yirmibeş- Karaoguz M, Yapıcı-Eser H,Kan Karaer D, Taner E. Comparison of DRD2 rs1800497 (TaqIA) polymorphism between schizophrenic patients and healthy controls: Lack of association in a Turkish sample. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2010; 14(4): 257 – 261 

Book Chapters

Eser HY. Cerebellum and Emotions. Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatry-Special Topics. Cerebellum from a neuropsychiatric point of view. 2021, Online ISBN: 978-625-401-451-2

Eser HY. Stress, Adaptation and Psychiatric Influences of COVID-19 period. Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatry-Special Topics. 2020;13(1):18-22.

Yapıcı Eser H. Neurobiology of Psychodermatological Diseases.edited by Professor Dr. Behçet Coşar. Book chapter in the book “Psychodermatology” 2021

Yapıcı Eser H. Psychological assessment and treatment recommendations of the patient with obesity. edited by Professor Dr. Dilek Yazıcı. Book section in the book called ‘Obesity Pocket Guide’ 2020

Eser HY. Stres, Immunology and Inflammation. Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatry-Special Topics. 2018;11(2):22-6.

Eser HY, Ozyaprak E. Role of stress on Diabetes, Neurological Disorders and Cancer. Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatry-Special Topics. 2018;11(2):32-42.

Yapıcı Eser H. Genetics of ADHD, chapter in Handbook of ADHD (Erişkinlerde Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu -Tanı ve Tedavi Kılavuzu by Turkish Psychiatric Association), 2018

Ozyaprak E, Yapıcı Eser H. Membrane and Action Potentials, Electrotonic Information Processing and Transmission Mechanisms, chapter in Neurosurgical Anatomy of Function (Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi) 2018

Tas Cetin Y, Yapıcı Eser H. Neurotransmitters: Types, Release, Distribution, Receptors, Signalization Mechanisms, chapter in Neurosurgical Anatomy of Function

Eren CY, Yapıcı Eser H. Diagnosis and Treatment of Depressive Disorders: Functional and Cognitive Features, chapter in Neurosurgical Anatomy of Function

Book Chapter Translations

DSM V Guidebook, Turkish Version, 2016 

Hale Yapıcı Eser, Selçuk Aslan

Chapter Titles:

Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders

Feeding and Eating Disorders

Elimination Disorders

The American Psychiatric Publishing Board Review Guide for Psychiatry, Turkish Edition, 2014

Hale Yapıcı Eser, Behçet Coşar

Chapter Title: Personality Disorders

Current Diagnosis and Treatment Psychiatry, Turkish Version, Published on 2013

Hale Yapıcı Eser

Chapter Titles:

Clinical Decision Making in Psychiatry

Psychiatric Genetics

Substance Related Disorders

Somatoform Disorders

Developmental Disorders of Attachment, Feeding, Elimination and Sleep

Intellectual Disability

Oral Presentations & Seminars

Yapıcı Eser H. Functional Connectivity Biomarkers of Psychiatric Disorders, 56th National Psychiatry Congress. December 20, 2020.

Yapıcı Eser H. Cognitive Tests in Laboratory Animals (Course: Animal Modeling in Experimental Neuroscience). 3rd Neuroscience Congress. Istanbul Turkey. December 14, 2019.

Yapıcı Eser H. Molecular and Cellular Level of Resilience. 3rd Neuroscience Congress. Istanbul Turkey. December 14, 2019.

Yapıcı Eser H. Biopsychosocial aspects of violence. 4. Trakya Emergency Medicine Days. Istanbul Turkey. December 21, 2019.

Yapıcı Eser H, Kuvvet Y. Animal Behavior Research Methods. XI.Aziz Sancar DETAE days. İstanbul, Türkiye. 28 Kasım 2019.

Eser HY, Kocak OM. Course on Resting State Functional Connectivity Analysis. 55th National

Psychiatry Congress, October 23rd, 2019.

Kilic O, Eser HY, Aktas C, Necef I,  Altunoz U, Oztop-Cakmak O. Physicians’ perception and approach to patients with Functional Symptoms. 54th National Psychiatry Congress, 2018

Yapici-Eser H. Neurobiology and treatment of anxiety disorders comorbid with bipolar disorder. 10th International Psychopharmacology Congress. Antalya, Turkey. April, 2018.

Yapici-Eser H. Biological aspects of resilience beyond genetics. 10th International Psychopharmacology Congress. Antalya, Turkey. April, 2018.

Yapici-Eser H. Reward Learning in Psychiatric Disorders. 22nd Spring Symposium. Antalya, Turkey. April, 2018

Kılıç Ö, Yapıcı Eser H, Aktas C, Necef I, Oztop Cakmak O, Sar V. Biased thinking in medical psychiatric setting: a survey on physicians approach to emergency unit patients with functional somatic symptoms. World Psychiatric Association Thematic Congress, Melbourne, Australia, February 2018

Yapıcı Eser H. Lecturer on 2nd Experimental Neuroscience Course, Aziz Sancar DETAM Institute, İstanbul, Turkey, February 2018

Yapıcı Eser H. Substance Addiction. Seminar for KURES at Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey. December 2017.

Yapıcı Eser H. Living with Epilepsy, Seminar for İstanbul Pharmacist Chamber, Turkey, October 2017.

Yapici-Eser H. Psychiatric support in Neurooncology. SeENS International Neurosurgery Course. Istanbul, Turkey. August 18, 2017.

Yapici-Eser H. Course for Metaanalysis. 8th Research Methods in Health Sciences. July 18, 2017. Istanbul, Turkey

Yapici-Eser H, Yalcinay M, Eren CY, Tas MH, Tan M, Pizzagalli D. Investigation of the effects of acute and chronic stress on working memory functions in healthy controls. 15th National Neuroscience Congress, Sakarya, Turkey. May 10 2017.

Yapici-Eser H. Metaanalysis in Psychiatric Research.   9th International Psychopharmacology Congress. Antalya, Turkey. April 28, 2017.

Yapici-Eser H. Siz olsaydiniz ne yapardiniz 3: Parkinson ve Huntington hastaliginda psikiyatrik yaklasim.  52nd National Psychiatry Congress. Antalya, Turkey. November 19 2016.

Yapici-Eser H, Kilic O, Altunoz U. Course on Management of Conversion Disorder, Young Psychiatrists Meeting. Athens Greece, October 2016.

Yapici-Eser H. Discussion of the case vignette through the eyes of a Turkish Psychiatrist. Perfectionism? Social Anxiety? Adjustment Disorder? Paranoia? Or simply a schema of defectiveness? 112th Meeting of Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, Chiba, Japan, June 3 2016

Yapici-Eser H. The frequency of anxiety disorders accompanying bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis. 8th International Congress on Psychopharmacology, Antalya, Turkey, April 22 2016.

Aslan S, Küçükkarapınar M, Yapıcı Eser H, Altınöz E, Oğuz İ, Aydın M, Afandi AHM, Dogruman Al F. Anti-Toksoplasma IgG antikorlarının şizofrenik olgularda yaygınlığı. 51. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kongresi, 25-29 Kasım 2015, Antalya, Türkiye

Yapici-Eser H. May the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders be understood through studying neurological comorbidities? Istanbul University Experimental Medicine Research Institiute (DETAE). Istanbul, Turkey, May 25 2016.

Yapici-Eser H. Post-traumatic stress disorder: Neurobiological Basis and Treatment. 21st National Social Psychiatry Congress, Çanakkale, Turkey, September 11, 2015

Yapici-Eser H. Gaining insight into the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders through studying neurological comorbidities: Stress, Migraine and Parkinson’s Disease. Seminar in Medicine. Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey, June 2015

Yapici-Eser H. The Effect of Additional Diagnosis On Recovery Of Schizophrenia. 49th National Psychiatry Congress, İzmir, Turkey, September 2013

Karakaş HM, Onay A, Yapıcı-Eser H, Aslan S, Ulutürk A, Tali T . Diffusion tensor imaging detection of left hemisphere white matter tract abnormalities in schizophrenia and its value in differential diagnosis.  45th National Psychiatry Congress, Turkey, Oral Presentation, October 2009

Elif Er, Dilek Kalkan, Hale Yapici, Burak Uzunparmak. Robot Insan Bilgisayar Doktor. Tipta insan bilimleri kongresi. Mayis 2005, Ankara, Turkiye


Poster Presentations

Izgi B, Berberoglu İ, Muhcu SE, Aydın NE, Kacar AS, Eser HY. P. 0721 Chronic stress has direct effect on difficulty in identifying emotions but the effect is indirect through depression. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021 Dec 1;53:S528

Kuvvet Y, Atak D, Eser HY. The Role of Chronic Stress on Mitochondria Related Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s Disease. Biological Psychiatry. 2021 May 1;89(9):S380-1.

Yazicioglu CY, Uymaz DS, Sancak S, Okuroglu N, Yazici D, Kiliç Ö, Yapici Eser H, Higher Anhedonia And Cognitive Failures Is Reported In Obese Patients During Their First Year Post- Bariatric Surgery, Poster Sunumu, 20th Wpa World Congress Of Psychiatry, March 10-13, 2021.

Izgi B, Yalçinay-Inan M, Port A, Kusçu K, Gur RC, Yapici Eser H. Test- Retest Reliability Of The Turkish Version Of Pennsylvania University Cognitive Test Battery (Penncnp) In A Non-demented Population, Poster Sunumu, Fens 2020 Virtual Forum Https://Forum2020.Fens.Org/, July 11-15, 2020.

Yazicioglu CY, Uymaz DS, Yavuz Y, Kilic O, Eser HY. No Change in Reward Responsiveness, but Decreased Functional Connectivity With Right Nucleus Accumbens and Left Lateral Occipital-Precuneus Cortex 3 Months After Sleeve Gastrectomy. Biological Psychiatry. 2020 May 1;87(9):S316.

Celik Y, Eser HY, Balcan B, Thunström E, Peker Y. Association of negative affect versus cognitive symptoms of the zung self-rated depression scale with excessive daytime sleepiness in male adults with obstructive sleep apnea on CPAP treatment: a secondary analysis of the sleepy riccadsa cohort. Sleep Medicine. 2019 Dec 1;64:S58-9.

Eser HY, Kacar AS, Izgi B. Stress and Emotion Recognition Interplay:Preliminary results from a college sample. Society for Affective Science Annual Congress, 2019, Boston, USA

Uzunay NS, Sar V, Yapici Eser H, Helenius D. Major depression and borderline personality disorder: Lifetime Correlates of Dual Diagnosis. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, 2019, San Fransisco, USA

Okan A, Erkent MA, Yildirim F, Eser HY. Autobiographical memory specificity and dissociative processes: a systematic review, 9th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Kilic O, Eser HY, Aktas C, Necef I,  Altunoz U, Oztop-Cakmak O. Physicians’ perceptions and experiences on functional neurological symptom disorder: the negative emotions aspect, 27th European Congress of Psychiatry, 2019.

Cetin-Tas Y, Yigit B, Ozyaprak E, Tas A, Eser HY, Karahuseyinoglu S, Zeybel M, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y. Hipertansiyon ve Diyabetin Beyin Mikrosirkulasyonu Uzerine Etkilerinin Deneysel Modellerde Incelenmesi. 54. Ulusal Noroloji Kongresi, 2018

Eren CY, Sancak S, Uysal SP, Whitton A, Rutherford A, Pizzagalli D, Eser HY. S98. Effect of GLP-1 Agonists Use on Cognitive and Affective Functioning in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Preliminary Study. Biological Psychiatry. 2018 May 1;83(9):S385.

Kacar AS, Izgi B, Burley D, Snowden RJ, Gulgoz S, Eser HY. F257. Pupillary Window to Assess Emotion-Somatization Connection: Alexithymia, Somatization and Pupillary Responses to Affective Stimuli. Biological Psychiatry. 2018 May 1;83(9):S339.

Küçükkarapınar M, Yapıcı Eser H, Kotan O, Yalcınay Inan M, Tarhan R, Arıkan Z. Craving Beliefs and Beliefs about Substance Use in Heroin Addicts correlate with accompanying depressive symptoms: a validation study for Turkish versions of Craving Beliefs and Beliefs about substance use Questionnaires. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, New York, May 2018

Yapici-Eser H, Eren CY, Gönen M, Kandemir H, Yazıcı D, Chen CY et al. Association between GLP1 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Reward Learning across Psychiatric Diagnoses. Biological Psychiatry, 2017. 81(10), S369. (Society of Biological Psychiatry Meeting, 2017)

Taskiran S, Yapici-Eser H, et al. A metaanalysis of anxiety disorder comorbidity in pediatric bipolar disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2016. 55.10: S213-S214. (Annual Meeting of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2016)

Alptekin FB, Seluk S, Yapici-Eser H, Aydin N. Frequency of menstrual cycle related psychiatric disorders. 6th International Cogress of Psychopharmacology, Antalya, May 2016

Aslan S, Kucukkarapinar M, Yapici-Eser H, Altunoz AE, Ilkiz o, Aydin m, Ali Hussein MA, Dogruman-Al F. Anti-toksoplazma Ig G antikorlarinin sizofrenik olgularda yayginligi. 51st National Psychiatry Congress, Antalya, November 2016

Yapıcı-Eser H, Eren Koçak E, Demir B, Dalkara T. Acute stress triggers migraine aura through a2 adrenergic receptors. Society of Biological Psychiatry’s 69th Annual Meeting, New York, USA, May 2014

Yapıcı-Eser H, Baran Z, Tokçaer AB, Kuruoğlu A, Güryıldırım M, Öner Y, Tali T. Determinants and Neuroanatomical Correlates of Major Depression that is Comorbid with Parkinson’s Disease. American Psychiatric Association 2014 Annual Meeting, New York, USA, May 2014

Yapıcı-Eser H, Eren Koçak E, Kılıç K, Dalkara T. Both acute and chronic stress decrease the threshold for cortical spreading depression. American Psychiatric Association 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, May 2013

Yapıcı-Eser H, Hansen T, Werge T, Jacobsen  KD. How related are obsessive compulsive disorder and schizophrenia? A familial aggregation study from Danish Health Registry System.  American Psychiatric Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, May 2012

Keskin Hacımustafaoğlu O, Yıldız A, Yapıcı-Eser H, Taner ME, Arıkan Z. Comparison of the sociodemographic properties and the factors that effect the remission times of the alcohol or substance addicts in Golbasi Alcohol and Addiction Unit. National Addiction Congress, Turkey, December 2011

Keskin Hacımustafaoğlu O, Yapıcı-Eser H, Yıldız A, Şahin B, Arıkan Z. The demographic properties, addiction profiles, the impact of addiction on life and expectations of the alcohol or substance addicts in Golbasi Alcohol and Addiction Unit. National Addiction Congress, Turkey, December 2011 – Poster Award

Yapıcı-Eser H, Hansen T, Werge T.  Analysis of the schizophrenia – obsessive compulsive disorder relationship from a genetic point.  6th National Anxiety Congress,  Turkey, September 2011  – Young Researcher Of Turkey Award