Minimal Defining Sets of the 2-(6,3,4) Designs – D1


Design parameters are 2-(6,3,4), b=20

Blocks of the design are:
012 013 014 015 023 024 025 034 035 045 123 124 125 134 135 145 234 235 245 345
The design is simple


Auto’m group order is 720

All non-isomorphic minimal defining sets are:

012 013 014 015 023 024 025
Size=7 |Aut|=12
012 013 014 023 024 034
Size=6 |Aut|=24
012 013 014 023 024 123 124
Size=7 |Aut|=12
012 013 014 015 023 035 123 124
Size=8 |Aut|=2
012 013 014 015 035 045 123 124
Size=8 |Aut|=4
012 013 023 025 035 123 124 134
Size=8 |Aut|=4
024 025 034 035 045 123 124 125 134 135
Size=10 |Aut|=8
015 024 034 035 045 123 124 125 135 234
Size=10 |Aut|=10


Size Count
—- —–
6 1
7 2
8 3
10 2

Only 8 (non-isomorphic) minimal defining sets
Totally 1032 (inequivalent) minimal defining sets
