Minimal Defining Sets of the 2-(16,6,2) Designs – D2


Design parameters are 2-(16,6,2), b=16

Blocks of the design are:
0127bf 0136ae 02569d 0348df 045bce 0789ac 12358c 1457ad 1469cf 189bde 23479e 2468ab 2acdef 359abf 367bcd 5678ef
The design is simple


Auto’m group order is 768

All non-isomorphic minimal defining sets are:

0127bf 0136ae 02569d 045bce 12358c 1469cf 23479e
Size=7 |Aut|=3
0127bf 0136ae 02569d 0348df 12358c 1457ad 1469cf 23479e
Size=8 |Aut|=2
0136ae 02569d 0348df 0789ac 12358c 1457ad 1469cf 23479e
Size=8 |Aut|=2
0127bf 02569d 045bce 0789ac 12358c 1457ad 1469cf 23479e
Size=8 |Aut|=8


Size Count
—- —–
7 1
8 3

Only 4 (non-isomorphic) minimal defining sets
Totally 1120 (inequivalent) minimal defining sets
