Istanbul Design Theory Workshop in honor of Curt Lindner’s 80th Birthday

September 3 – 4, 2018


E. Şule Yazıcı:  +90-212-338-1844

Selda Küçükç   +90-212-338-1523



  • Paola Bonacini, Catania Uni, Italy
  • Fatih Demirkale, Yıldız Technic Uni, Turkey
  • Öznur Yaşar Diner, Kadir Has Uni, Turkey
  • Oğuz Doğan, Koç Uni, Turkey
  • Saad Elzanati, Illinois State Uni, USA
  • Emre Kolotoğlu, Yıldız Tech Uni, Turkey
  • Selda Küçükçifci, Koç Uni, Turkey
  • Curt Lindner, Auburn Uni, USA
  • Trent Marbach, Nankai Uni, China
  • Lucia Maria Marino, Catania Uni, Italy
  • Mariusz Meszka, AGH Uni of Sci and Tech, Poland
  • Oktay Ölmez, Ankara Uni, Turkey
  • Sibel Özkan, Gebze Uni, Turkey
  • Rebecca Stones, Nankai Uni, China
  • Elif Üsküplü, Koç Uni, Turkey
  • E. Şule Yazıcı, Koç Uni, Turkey



Koç University Dormitories (no breakfast)

Single occupancy 55 US dollar

Double occupancy 65 US dollar

Fuat Paşa Hotel (open buffet breakfast is included)

Street view                           Single occupancy                              60 Euro

Street view                           Double occupancy                           80 Euro

Bosphorus view                    Single occupancy                            90 Euro

Bosphorus view                    Double occupancy                         120 Euro



Conference venue is SCI 103

3 September 2018

10:00 – 10:30 Opening

10:30-11:00 Saad Elzanati, On Edge Orbits and Cyclic and r-Pyramidal Hypergraph

11:05-11:35 Mariusz Meszka,Transforming 6-cycle systems into triple systems

11:40-12:10 Sibel Özkan, On resolvable cycle decompositions


14:00-14:30  Lucia Marino, On Blocking Sets in Steiner systems and G-designs

14:35-15:05 Paola Bonacini, Blocking sets in paths and cycles designs

15:10-15:30 Oktay Ölmez, Partial geometric difference sets and their links to codes and cryptography

Coffee Break

16:00-16:30 Oğuz Doğan, Cube factorizations of complete and complete multipartite graphs

16:35-17:05 E. Şule Yazıcı, Embedding partial Latin squares into Latin squares with many mutually orthogonal mates

18:30 Service departs for dinner from fountain area (Main gate)

19:00 Meeting dinner at Aquarius restaurant (SARIYER)


4 September 2018

09:30 – 10:00 Trent Marbach, Covers and partial transversals of Latin squares.

10:05-10:35 Rebecca Stones, Symmetries of partial Latin rectangles

Coffee Break

11:00-11:30 Fatih Demirkale, Maximum partial triple systems on 16 and 17 points

11:35-12:05 Selda Küçükçifci, Outside perfect 8-cycle systems