Invited Spekaers

SAIEED AKBARI, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Orientation of Graphs with Constraints on the Out-degrees

MARCO BURATTI, Perugia University, Italy
Differences may still make the difference

PETER CAMERON, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

     – Combinatorial problems from synchronization theory

ZOLTAN FUREDI, Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

     – Designs and extremal hypergraph problems

DANIEL HORSLEY, Monash University, Australia

     – Steiner triple systems without parallel classes

IAN WANLESS, Monash University, Australia

     – Parity of sets of MOLS

DOUGLAS WEST, Zhejiang Normal University and University of Illinois – Urbana

     – Coloring, Sparseness, and Girth