Design 2016

\newcommand{\coauthors}[1]{\begin{center}\textsf{(joint work with #1)}\end{center}}
\newcommand{\msc}[1]{\begin{center}MSC2000: #1.\end{center}}
\newcommand{\keywords}[1]{\begin{center}Keywords: #1.\end{center}}
%%%%%%%%%%% Please do not edit above this line. %%%%%%%
\title{Talk Title}
\author{Author Name}
\affiliation{University Name} \email{xx@xx} \coauthors{XX and YY}
Please put your abstract here.

%%%% Please give at least one Mathematics Subject Classification number %%%
%%%% and some keywords to help us to schedule your talk appropriately. %%%
\msc{05B07, 05B40} \keywords{KEY WORDS}

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