Math 504, Numerical Methods I (Fall 2010)

Lectures: Mon, Wed between 12:30-13:45 at CAS Z25

Emre Mengi
Office: SCI 114
Phone: (212)338-1658

Office Hours:
Thr 13:15-15:15
Course Description:
This course concerns the numerical solution of linear systems, linear least squares problems (best approximate solution for an inconsistent linear system), eigenvalue and singular value problems. We will introduce numerical algorithms for the solution of these problems on a computer, and analyze their efficieny and accuracy in the presence of rounding errors. There will be a fine balance between theoretical and computational issues. The Krylov-subspace based iterative algorithms will be covered as well as the direct algorithms.(See the course syllabus for issues such as grading and the formats of the exams.)Announcements:

  • The final will be held on January 19th, Wednesday between 12:00-15:00 at ENG Z15. It includes all topics covered throughout the semester with emphasis on topics covered after the midterm specifically
    • backward error analysis,
    • linear systems and their numerical solution,
    • eigenvalues and their numerical solution.
  • Homework 5 (due on Jan 24th, Tue by 5pm; the deadline is tight this time) is also available now. There are nineteen questions. But you are expected to return the solutions to only any six of them. I highly recommend to go over all of the questions. This should help you a great deal for the final. The m-files that you may need for this homework are provided below.


Both of the textbooks will be available at the reserve desk in the library.

  • Numerical Linear Algebra, Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau
  • Fundamentals of Matrix Computations (2nd Edition), David S. Watkins

Supplementary Books:

  • Numerical Computing with Matlab, Cleve Moler (Available at
  • Numerical Computing with IEEE floating point arithmetic, Michael L. Overton (see the brief notes below under the resources extracted from this book. If you think you will be frequently involved in IEEE arithmetic, this book is relatively cheap when bought from the SIAM website.)
  • Matrix Computations 3rd Edition, Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan (available at the reserve desk in the library)


All hws are due by 4pm on the indicated dates below unless otherwise indicated.

Midterm was held on December 1st.
Midterm – Solutions

Final will be held on January 19th, Wednesday between 12:00-15:00 at ENG Z15.

Exams and Solutions:

  • Midterm 1
  • Final

Important Enrollment Dates and Holidays:
(Holidays are underlined.)

  • September 27th, First day of classes
  • September 29th-October 1st, Add-drops
  • October 28th-29th, Foundation of Republic of Turkey
  • November 15th-19th, Kurban Bayramı
  • January 7th, Last day of classes
  • January 10th-23rd, Finals