Math 504, Numerical Methods 1 (Fall 2018)

Emre Mengi
Office: SCI 113
Phone: (212) 338-1658
Office Hours:  Tue. 9:45 – 10:45, or
Thur. 16:00 – 17:00, or by appointment

Teaching Assistant:
Rifqi Aziz
Office: SCI 130
Office Hours:  Mon. 14:00 – 15:00

Course Description:

Majority of the numerical algorithms rely on the solutions of linear algebra problems. In the end whether these algorithms are worthy for common use translates into whether the associated linear algebra problems can be solved efficiently and accurately.

The main purpose of the course is to feature modern numerical approaches for the solutions of linear algebra problems including systems of linear equations, eigenvalue problems, singular value problems. But applied linear algebra tools, such as matrix factorizations, projectors, reflectors without which modern numerical algorithms cannot exist, will also be introduced throughout.

Both direct approaches and iterative approaches will be covered. Thorough analyses of how rounding errors affect the accuracy will be presented for direct approaches. The course concludes with extensions of iterative methods to systems of nonlinear equations, where Newton’s and quasi-Newton methods as well as their convergence are discussed.


  • Sep 19, 2018: The first week notes are now available under the lecture notes link below. You should check that link regularly.
  • Sep 26, 2018: I will put some of the Matlab implementations from the lectures on this site, which you can reach from the matlab link below.
  • Oct 4, 2018 : The first homework is posted now under the homeworks link. This homework is due on October 18th by 17:00.
  • Oct 30, 2018 : The midterm will take place on November 7th Wednesday between 19:00 – 21:00 at SCI Z32.
  • Nov 13, 2018 : You could access the solutions of the midtem from the exams link.
  • Dec 18, 2018 : The final will take place on Dec 28th Friday between 15:00 – 18:00 at SCI 129.