Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand. Chinese Proverb

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. Chinese proverb

Current Subjects:

  • Spring 2013:

    • INDR491 Industrial Engineering Design 1

    • INDR568 Heuristic Methods

  • Fall 2012:

    • INDR371 Operations Design and Analysis

    • INDR440 Project Management

    • INDR491 Industrial Engineering Design 1

Past Teaching:

  • Koç University

    • Spring 2011-2012:

      • INDR491 Industrial Engineering Design 1

      • INDR568 Heuristic Methods

    • Fall 2010:

      • INDR371 Operations Design and Analysis

      • INDR440 Project Management

      • INDR580 Special Topics in Industrial Engineering: Constraint Programming

    • Spring 2005-2010:

      • INDR484 Logistics Management

      • INDR568 Heuristic Methods

    • Fall 2006-2009:

      • INDR371 Operations Design and Analysis

      • INDR440 Project Management

    • Fall 2004, 2005:

      • INDR440 Project Management

      • INDR566 Scheduling

  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    • MSc

      • Project Management

      • Service Operations Management

      • Stochastic Operations Research

    • BA

      • Design and Control of Operation Systems (Yr-3)

      • Deterministic Operations Research (Yr-2)

      • Final Year Project (Yr-3)

      • Operations Management (Yr-1)

      • Stochastic Operations Research (Yr-2)

    • BSc

      • Project Management (Yr-3)