Future of EU-Turkey Relations (FEUTURE), the largest research project on EU-Turkey relations ever funded by the European Commission with the participation of 15 partner institutions from nine countries, aims to explore future avenues for further EU-Turkey cooperation with its comprehensive research approach.

Within FEUTURE, I led the workpackage that aims to identify the identity and cultural drivers that are likely to lead to the realization of one of the three envisaged ideal-type scenarios i.e. conflict, cooperation, or convergence in EU-Turkey relations. It focuses on Turkey’s and Europe’s perceptions of each other in identity and cultural terms, which play a pivotal role in shaping the relationship. It also studies the regional and global representations of Turkey- Europe relations, which play a key role in both shaping the identities of Turkey and Europe and their perceptions of one another. In terms of scope, this WP encompasses a detailed study of cultural and identity interactions between Europe and Turkey since 1789 to present. By analyzing how representations of the European or the Turkish Other varied and evolved through cultural exchanges and political interactions in different historical periods, the WP aims to identify patterns of continuity and change, which form the basis of its assessment regarding the likelihood of the three ideal type scenarios.

FEUTURE reports I co-authored:

Identity Representations in the Narratives on EU-Turkey Relations

Turkish and European Identity Constructions in the 1946-99 Period

Turkish and European Identity Constructions in the 1815-1945 Period